Hi. I am trying to format the legend size of the graph, but when I add "legend(size(small))" to the code below, I get the strange legend in the graph appear. However, if I take off the legend bit, it's shows as the dots as "Point estimate" and the shaded region as "Confidence interval", which is what I want.
I'm also unsure why the two points at either end are different in size and color.
Any help in sorting out the legend and the end points will be much appreciated.
I'm also unsure why the two points at either end are different in size and color.
Any help in sorting out the legend and the end points will be much appreciated.
eventdd rate_con_avg7day, hdfe absorb(state) vce(cluster state) timevar(time_to_event) /// graph_op(mcolor(gs1) msize(vsmall) ylabel(, labsize(2)) legend(size(small)) /// xtitle("Time (weeks)", size(small)) xlabel(-6(5)35, labsize(2))) ci(rarea , color(gs14%33)) leads(6) lags(35) accum