My goal is to include regressions from the main analysis (X is my key regressors) as well as the heterogeneity analysis (using c.X#i.male) in the same wyoung command to account for multiple testing.
However, I did not succeed.
I tried with this data
It worked but still the results are weird. First, if I change the way I am writing the command, the results change while it should not. Second, the adjuted p-values are not adjsuted for the interaction term: c.mpg#c.rep78
My goal is to include regressions from the main analysis (X is my key regressors) as well as the heterogeneity analysis (using c.X#i.male) in the same wyoung command to account for multiple testing.
However, I did not succeed.
I tried with this data
sysuse auto.dta, clear set seed 20 wyoung, cmd("reg price mpg" "reg price c.mpg#c.rep78") familyp(mpg c.mpg#c.rep78) bootstraps(100) seed(20) local cmd1 reg price mpg local cmd2 reg price c.mpg#c.rep78 wyoung, replace cmd("`cmd1'" "`cmd2'" ) familyp(mpg c.mpg#c.rep78) bootstraps(50) seed(20)
It worked but still the results are weird. First, if I change the way I am writing the command, the results change while it should not. Second, the adjuted p-values are not adjsuted for the interaction term: c.mpg#c.rep78
wyoung, cmd("reg price mpg" "reg price c.mpg#c.rep78") familyp(mpg c.mpg#c.rep78) bootstraps(100) seed(20) Estimating family-wise adjusted p-values for 2 hypothesis tests familyp: mpg reg price mpg familyp: c.mpg#c.rep78 reg price c.mpg#c.rep78 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | k model outcome familyp coef stderr p pwyoung pbonf psidak | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 1. | 1 reg price mpg price mpg -238.89435 53.076687 .00002546 0 .00005092 .00005092 | 2. | 2 reg price c.mpg#c.rep78 price c.mpg#c.rep78 -18.756467 8.987922 .04070956 .02 .04070956 .04070956 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ . local cmd1 reg price mpg . local cmd2 reg price c.mpg#c.rep78 . wyoung, replace cmd("`cmd1'" "`cmd2'" ) familyp(mpg c.mpg#c.rep78) bootstraps(50) seed(20) Estimating family-wise adjusted p-values for 2 hypothesis tests familyp: mpg reg price mpg familyp: c.mpg#c.rep78 reg price c.mpg#c.rep78 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | k model outcome familyp coef stderr p pwyoung pbonf psidak | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 1. | 1 reg price mpg price mpg -238.89435 53.076687 .00002546 0 .00005092 .00005092 | 2. | 2 reg price c.mpg#c.rep78 price c.mpg#c.rep78 -18.756467 8.987922 .04070956 .04 .04070956 .04070956 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+