Dear Stata users,
I read some literature on ridit analysis. A short skeleton about it is:
And I know that in Stata Nick Cox introduced an egen function ridit() to compute ridits, and Roger Newson wrote wridit to compute weighted ridits, both unfolded and folded.
My questions are:
1) Is ridit analysis used spread in addressing ordered categorical data such as Likert items and pain-rating scales?
2) How to perform hypothesis tests of ridit means comparison between control group and treatment groups in Stata? and
3) Concretely, how to use egen ridit() function or wridit command to perform ridit analysis? And as far as I know, both of the ridit() function and the wridit command could not do hypothesis test.
I read some literature on ridit analysis. A short skeleton about it is:
The name 'ridit' was used by Irwin Bross (1958) in his article 'How to Use Ridit Analysis' (Biometrics). And in Joseph Fleiss' book 'Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions' (1981,p150-57), there's a section §9.4 titled ridit analysis. RIDIT stands for ‘Relative to an Identified Distribution’ or ‘relative to an identified distribution integral transformation’.
Ridits provide a method for replacing the categories of an ordinal variable by scores between 0 and 1. The score for each category is the percentile rank of an item in the reference population and is equal to the number of items in all lower categories plus one-half the number of items in the subject category, all divided by the population size.
To perform RIDIT analysis, you first split the sample into two groups: a control group and a treatment group. From the control group data, you calculate ‘control ridits,’ based on the frequency response to each question. From the treatment group data, you calculate the mean ridit and the standard error. Then a z-score determines the statistical significance of the difference between the control group and the treatment group. (Croushore and Schmidt, 2010)
Ridits provide a method for replacing the categories of an ordinal variable by scores between 0 and 1. The score for each category is the percentile rank of an item in the reference population and is equal to the number of items in all lower categories plus one-half the number of items in the subject category, all divided by the population size.
To perform RIDIT analysis, you first split the sample into two groups: a control group and a treatment group. From the control group data, you calculate ‘control ridits,’ based on the frequency response to each question. From the treatment group data, you calculate the mean ridit and the standard error. Then a z-score determines the statistical significance of the difference between the control group and the treatment group. (Croushore and Schmidt, 2010)
My questions are:
1) Is ridit analysis used spread in addressing ordered categorical data such as Likert items and pain-rating scales?
2) How to perform hypothesis tests of ridit means comparison between control group and treatment groups in Stata? and
3) Concretely, how to use egen ridit() function or wridit command to perform ridit analysis? And as far as I know, both of the ridit() function and the wridit command could not do hypothesis test.