I am trying to calculate to calculate intial bearing between point 1 (source) and point 2 (destination) in metereological convention i.e. 0 degrees being North, 90 dgerees being East, 180 degrees being South and 270 degrees being West.
I have tried the following code in stata but it isn't giving the correct output, for example the correct bearing between a point 1 (latitude = -45, longitude = 90) and point 2 (latitude = 0, longitude = 0) should be 135 in metereological convention. However stata program (followed from this post: https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...on-as-an-input) gives the output as 270.
STATA CODE with 7 sample points:
*****============================================= ===================********
clear all
program initial_bearing
args lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2 newvar
tempname d2r r2d
scalar `d2r' = _pi / 180
scalar `r2d' = 180 / _pi
gen `newvar' = atan2(sin((`lon2'-`lon1') * `d2r') * cos(`lat2' * `d2r') , ///
cos(`lat1' * `d2r') * sin(`lat2' * `d2r') - ///
sin(`lat1' * `d2r') * cos(`lat2' * `d2r') * ///
cos((`lon2'-`lon1') * `d2r'))
// normalize atan2 results (-pi to pi) to range from 0 to 360 degrees
replace `newvar' = mod((`newvar' * `r2d') + 360,360)
************************************************** ***********
set obs 7
gen latfire = 0 if _n == 1
gen lonfire = 90 if _n == 1
gen latnum = 0 if _n == 1
gen longnum = 0 if _n == 1
replace latfire = -45 if _n == 2
replace lonfire = 90 if _n == 2
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 2
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 2
replace latfire = -45 if _n == 3
replace lonfire = -90 if _n == 3
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 3
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 3
replace latfire = 0 if _n == 4
replace lonfire = -90 if _n == 4
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 4
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 4
replace latfire = 45 if _n == 5
replace lonfire = -90 if _n == 5
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 5
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 5
replace latfire = 45 if _n == 6
replace lonfire = 0 if _n == 6
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 6
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 6
replace latfire = 45 if _n == 7
replace lonfire = 90 if _n == 7
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 7
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 7
initial_bearing latfire lonfire latnum longnum ib
order lonfire latfire
************************************************** **************************
Thanks alot for your help!
I am trying to calculate to calculate intial bearing between point 1 (source) and point 2 (destination) in metereological convention i.e. 0 degrees being North, 90 dgerees being East, 180 degrees being South and 270 degrees being West.
I have tried the following code in stata but it isn't giving the correct output, for example the correct bearing between a point 1 (latitude = -45, longitude = 90) and point 2 (latitude = 0, longitude = 0) should be 135 in metereological convention. However stata program (followed from this post: https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...on-as-an-input) gives the output as 270.
STATA CODE with 7 sample points:
*****============================================= ===================********
clear all
program initial_bearing
args lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2 newvar
tempname d2r r2d
scalar `d2r' = _pi / 180
scalar `r2d' = 180 / _pi
gen `newvar' = atan2(sin((`lon2'-`lon1') * `d2r') * cos(`lat2' * `d2r') , ///
cos(`lat1' * `d2r') * sin(`lat2' * `d2r') - ///
sin(`lat1' * `d2r') * cos(`lat2' * `d2r') * ///
cos((`lon2'-`lon1') * `d2r'))
// normalize atan2 results (-pi to pi) to range from 0 to 360 degrees
replace `newvar' = mod((`newvar' * `r2d') + 360,360)
************************************************** ***********
set obs 7
gen latfire = 0 if _n == 1
gen lonfire = 90 if _n == 1
gen latnum = 0 if _n == 1
gen longnum = 0 if _n == 1
replace latfire = -45 if _n == 2
replace lonfire = 90 if _n == 2
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 2
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 2
replace latfire = -45 if _n == 3
replace lonfire = -90 if _n == 3
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 3
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 3
replace latfire = 0 if _n == 4
replace lonfire = -90 if _n == 4
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 4
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 4
replace latfire = 45 if _n == 5
replace lonfire = -90 if _n == 5
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 5
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 5
replace latfire = 45 if _n == 6
replace lonfire = 0 if _n == 6
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 6
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 6
replace latfire = 45 if _n == 7
replace lonfire = 90 if _n == 7
replace latnum = 0 if _n == 7
replace longnum = 0 if _n == 7
initial_bearing latfire lonfire latnum longnum ib
order lonfire latfire
************************************************** **************************
Thanks alot for your help!