I was wondering how I can add Greek symbols using the etable command.
Below, I have included an example of the type of latex table that I would like to construct.
However, instead of the column header being "Systolic blood pressure", I would like the column header to be
"\% \Delta Systolic blood pressure." I have tried different methods but none has worked.
use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/nhanes2l
quietly: regress bpsystol i.sex weight
estimates store model1
quietly: regress diabetes i.sex i.agegrp weight
estimates store model2
etable, est(model1 model2)
etable, replay eqrecode(bpsystol = xb diabetes = xb) column(dvlabel)
collect style tex , nobegintable
collect export example.tex, tableonly replace
Below, I have included an example of the type of latex table that I would like to construct.
However, instead of the column header being "Systolic blood pressure", I would like the column header to be
"\% \Delta Systolic blood pressure." I have tried different methods but none has worked.
use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/nhanes2l
quietly: regress bpsystol i.sex weight
estimates store model1
quietly: regress diabetes i.sex i.agegrp weight
estimates store model2
etable, est(model1 model2)
etable, replay eqrecode(bpsystol = xb diabetes = xb) column(dvlabel)
collect style tex , nobegintable
collect export example.tex, tableonly replace