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  • Potential bug: more clusters than observations in cragg hurdle model (churdle).

    Dear All,

    I'm currently using a cragg hurdle model to analyze some survey data using the churdle command.

    The data was conducted in different villages in two countries.
    I did an overall cluster robust estimation using a cragg hurdle model and clustering on the village level using vce(cluster village).

    To get a better understanding of the country specific situations, I also did separate cluster robust estimations for each country, restricting the observations using the "if-command" (if country).

    This is where the bug occurred.

    As I use more explanatory variables than available clusters/villages for the country specific sample, I chose to cluster on the individual level. This led to the problem that I now have more clusters than observations and the Wald-Chi2 statistic displays as not significant.

    see Screen shot:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-12-30 172603.png
Views:	1
Size:	23.2 KB
ID:	1770106

    Clustering on the village level reduces the problem of an insignificant p-value of the wald-chi2 tests, but still it shows more clusters than it should..

    The number of clusters represents the number of clusters in the overall sample, but as I only use a subsample, the number of clusters is not fitting.

    I assume this is a bug in the programming of this command that needs to be fixed.

    I'm a bit confused on how I should proceed as I'm not sure whether I can trust the results, or rather not do cluster robust estimations using a cragg hurdle model.

    Any suggestions on that?
    Last edited by Philipp Haendel; 30 Dec 2024, 10:45. Reason: Adding tags

  • #2
    Dear Philipp,

    Could you please send your data and a do-file, or a reproducible example, to [email protected]. We will look into it and fix the problem.

    Update: This is a reporting issue. The standard errors are correctly computed. The number in the table header is incorrect.
    Last edited by Enrique Pinzon (StataCorp); 30 Dec 2024, 12:13.

