Hello everyone,
I created this code that works correctly in STATA 17, but when I try to replicate and run it in STATA 16, it produces errors. The main issue is that it only generates the table considering the first local variable created. I would like to understand why this happens.
local sample_openx "Full"
local sample_first_offer_x_gets "Decider Opens"
// Electronic vs Face-to-Face regression
foreach var of varlist $outcomes {
eststo `var': reg `var' Forced##face i.round_dummy if $sample_reg, vce(cluster Participant_id)
qui test 1.face+1.Forced#1.face==0
local combined = `r(p)'
local combined: display %9.4f `combined'
qui estadd local combined "`combined'"
qui sum `var' if e(sample)==1
qui estadd scalar meanc r(mean)
local sample_text "`sample_`var''"
qui estadd local Sample "`sample_text'"
esttab $outcomes ///
using "$latex/table_reg_face.tex", replace ///
keep (1.Forced 1.face 1.Forced#1.face) ///
b(2) se(2) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** .01) ///
mtitles("Decider Opens" "Decider's First Claim") collabels(none) ///
varlabels(1.Forced "Forced" 1.face "Face-to-Face" 1.Forced#1.face "Forced $*$ Face-to-Face") ///
noobs nocons booktabs nonotes ///
stats(N N_clust meanc combined Sample, fmt(%9.0fc 0 2 0) labels("Observations" "Num. Clusters" "Dep. Var. Mean" "\beta_2+\beta_3=0" "Sample"))
eststo clear
Also, when the table is exported to latex the line "\beta_2+\beta_3=0" is exported as "\beta\_2+\beta\_3=0". I want to know how to delete that second backlash.
I created this code that works correctly in STATA 17, but when I try to replicate and run it in STATA 16, it produces errors. The main issue is that it only generates the table considering the first local variable created. I would like to understand why this happens.
local sample_openx "Full"
local sample_first_offer_x_gets "Decider Opens"
// Electronic vs Face-to-Face regression
foreach var of varlist $outcomes {
eststo `var': reg `var' Forced##face i.round_dummy if $sample_reg, vce(cluster Participant_id)
qui test 1.face+1.Forced#1.face==0
local combined = `r(p)'
local combined: display %9.4f `combined'
qui estadd local combined "`combined'"
qui sum `var' if e(sample)==1
qui estadd scalar meanc r(mean)
local sample_text "`sample_`var''"
qui estadd local Sample "`sample_text'"
esttab $outcomes ///
using "$latex/table_reg_face.tex", replace ///
keep (1.Forced 1.face 1.Forced#1.face) ///
b(2) se(2) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** .01) ///
mtitles("Decider Opens" "Decider's First Claim") collabels(none) ///
varlabels(1.Forced "Forced" 1.face "Face-to-Face" 1.Forced#1.face "Forced $*$ Face-to-Face") ///
noobs nocons booktabs nonotes ///
stats(N N_clust meanc combined Sample, fmt(%9.0fc 0 2 0) labels("Observations" "Num. Clusters" "Dep. Var. Mean" "\beta_2+\beta_3=0" "Sample"))
eststo clear
Also, when the table is exported to latex the line "\beta_2+\beta_3=0" is exported as "\beta\_2+\beta\_3=0". I want to know how to delete that second backlash.