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  • STATA loop problem

    Hello everyone,

    I created this code that works correctly in STATA 17, but when I try to replicate and run it in STATA 16, it produces errors. The main issue is that it only generates the table considering the first local variable created. I would like to understand why this happens.
    local sample_openx "Full"
    local sample_first_offer_x_gets "Decider Opens"

    // Electronic vs Face-to-Face regression

    foreach var of varlist $outcomes {

    eststo `var': reg `var' Forced##face i.round_dummy if $sample_reg, vce(cluster Participant_id)
    qui test 1.face+1.Forced#1.face==0
    local combined = `r(p)'
    local combined: display %9.4f `combined'
    qui estadd local combined "`combined'"
    qui sum `var' if e(sample)==1
    qui estadd scalar meanc r(mean)
    local sample_text "`sample_`var''"
    qui estadd local Sample "`sample_text'"

    esttab $outcomes ///
    using "$latex/table_reg_face.tex", replace ///
    keep (1.Forced 1.face 1.Forced#1.face) ///
    b(2) se(2) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** .01) ///
    mtitles("Decider Opens" "Decider's First Claim") collabels(none) ///
    varlabels(1.Forced "Forced" 1.face "Face-to-Face" 1.Forced#1.face "Forced $*$ Face-to-Face") ///
    noobs nocons booktabs nonotes ///
    stats(N N_clust meanc combined Sample, fmt(%9.0fc 0 2 0) labels("Observations" "Num. Clusters" "Dep. Var. Mean" "\beta_2+\beta_3=0" "Sample"))
    eststo clear

    Also, when the table is exported to latex the line "\beta_2+\beta_3=0" is exported as "\beta\_2+\beta\_3=0". I want to know how to delete that second backlash.


  • #2
    There is not much to go on regarding your first question. Instead of defining a global macro 'outcomes,' which is not shown here, use a local macro and explicitly define it within the do-file. It is possible that the global macro is defined differently than you expect. For your question about underscores and esttab while exporting to LaTeX, see Note that estout is from SSC (FAQ Advice #12).

