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  • Formatting Superheaders and Selective Borders using Collect


    I am having trouble formatting a table that I will need to repeat 50+ times and would like Stata to take care of the formatting as much as possible.

    I have been able to get most of what I need, however I am having trouble with two aspects:

    - Formatting the Super-headers: I would like the rows "Version1" and "Version2" to have a gray background color. In the example below, when I try to format the collection dimension, it formats the entire table. I cannot find a way to format just the header row for the collection dimension (Version1 and Version2)

    - Selective borders: I would like to have borders around each combination of coefficient and confidence interval. I can only figure out how to format it so no borders appear among the item cell type, or all of them. I can get most of the way there using the below code, but it 1) includes borders for non-results like the spacer and the collection super-header, and 2) doesn't extend to the row-headers to make boxes of the same size. Is there a way to do this?

    Thank you for your help:

    collect clear
    sysuse auto, clear
    collect create Version1, replace
        collect _r_b _r_ci : reg price headroom trunk
        collect _r_b _r_ci : reg price headroom trunk weight length
    collect create Version2, replace
        collect _r_b _r_ci : reg price headroom trunk if foreign == 0
        collect _r_b _r_ci : reg price headroom trunk weight length if foreign == 0
    collect combine combined = Version1 Version2
    collect layout (collection[Version1]#colname[headroom]#result collection[Version1]#colname[trunk]#result collection[Version2]#colname[headroom]#result collection[Version2]#colname[trunk]#result) (cmdset)
    collect style header result, level(hide)
    collect style row stack, spacer
    collect stars _r_b _r_p .05 `"*"', attach(_r_b)
    collect style cell result[_r_ci], sformat("[%s]") cidelimiter(",")
    collect style cell , valign(center) nformat(%9.2f) 
    collect style cell cell_type[row-header], halign(left)
    collect style cell cell_type[column-header], halign(center)
    collect style cell cell_type[item], halign(center)
    collect style cell, border( all, pattern(none) )
    collect style cell result[_r_b] , border( top left right, pattern(single) )
    collect style cell result[_r_ci] , border( bottom left right, pattern(single) )

  • #2

    Thanks for the working example.

    Here is my attempt to shade and border the cells based on my understanding of your description. My edits are in blue.
    collect clear
    sysuse auto, clear
    collect create Version1, replace
        collect _r_b _r_ci : reg price headroom trunk
        collect _r_b _r_ci : reg price headroom trunk weight length
    collect create Version2, replace
        collect _r_b _r_ci : reg price headroom trunk if foreign == 0
        collect _r_b _r_ci : reg price headroom trunk weight length if foreign == 0
    collect combine combined = Version1 Version2
    collect layout (collection[Version1]#colname[headroom]#result collection[Version1]#colname[trunk]#result collection[Version2]#colname[headroom]#result collection[Version2]#colname[trunk]#result) (cmdset)
    collect style header result, level(hide)
    collect style row stack, spacer
    collect stars _r_b _r_p .05 `"*"', attach(_r_b)
    collect style cell result[_r_ci], sformat("[%s]") cidelimiter(",")
    collect style cell , valign(center) nformat(%9.2f)
    collect style cell cell_type[row-header], halign(left)
    collect style cell cell_type[column-header], halign(center)
    collect style cell cell_type[item], halign(center)
    * comment-out original border code
    *collect style cell, border( all, pattern(none) )
    *collect style cell result[_r_b] , border( top left right, pattern(single) )
    *collect style cell result[_r_ci] , border( bottom left right, pattern(single) )
    * add blank space item with hidden colname level to turn off shading
    collect get _r_b=" ", tags(collection[Version1] colname[_hide] cmdset[1])
    collect get _r_b=" ", tags(collection[Version2] colname[_hide] cmdset[1])
    * use autolevels shorten the layout specification
    collect style autolevels colname _hide headroom trunk, clear
    collect layout (collection#colname#result) (cmdset)
    * add item for blank row
    collect get _r_b=" ", tags(collection[_hide] colname[_hide] cmdset[1])
    collect style autolevels collection Version1 _hide Version2, clear
    collect style row stack, nospacer
    collect preview
    collect export try0.html, replace
    * add shading
    collect style cell cell_type[row-header item]#collection[Version1 Version2], ///
    collect style cell ///
        cell_type[row-header item]#colname[headroom trunk] , ///
    collect export try1.html, replace
    * add dimension for more control over blank row-header cells
    collect addtags blank[_hide], fortags(_r_b)
    * " " -- the space -- is a valid level, but quotes are necessary
    collect addtags blank[" "], fortags(_r_lb _r_ub)
    collect layout (collection#colname#result#blank) (cmdset)
    collect export try2.html, replace
    * fix cell borders
    collect style cell border_block[corner], border( all , pattern(none) )
    collect style cell border_block[corner], border( all , pattern(none) )
    collect style cell border_block[column-header], border( all , pattern(none) )
    collect style cell border_block[row-header], border( right , pattern(none) )
    collect style cell border_block[row-header], border( left , pattern(single) )
    collect style cell cell_type[row-header]#collection[_hide], ///
        border( left right , pattern(none) )
    collect style cell cell_type[row-header]#collection[_hide], ///
        border( top bottom , pattern(single) )
    collect style cell cell_type[item]#collection[_hide], ///
        border( top bottom , pattern(single) )
    collect style cell border_block[item], ///
        border( right , pattern(single) )
    collect style cell cell_type[item]#collection[_hide], ///
        border( right , pattern(none) )
    collect preview
    collect export try3.html, replace
    Here is a screenshot from my browser of the final exported HTML table.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-12-24 at 12.46.46 PM.png
Views:	1
Size:	74.7 KB
ID:	1769965


    • #3
      Thank you for the assistance!

