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  • Using collect command to display results by quartile

    I want to make a table that shows regression results for a bunch of dependent variables against the same independent variable by quartile groups something like this:
    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
    Dep var 1
    Dep var 2
    Dep var 3
    Mean of sample
    This is my example code:

    HTML Code:
    sysuse auto, clear
    xtile price_quart = price, n(4)
    collect clear 
    foreach var of varlist rep78 headroom trunk weight{
        bys price_quart: collect: reg `var' mpg
    collect layout (colname#cmdset#result[_r_b _r_se]) (price_quart)
    This makes the values show up in individual row:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	sample.png
Views:	1
Size:	20.1 KB
ID:	1769929

    How can I get the same dependent variable values to be displayed in the same row?
    And is there a way to display the mean of price variable at the bottom by quartile?

  • #2
    Thanks for the working example.

    A small change to your layout will fix the row placement of the coefficients and standard errors. I also added some code to show the means of the independent variable within the quartiles.
    sysuse auto, clear
    xtile price_quart = price, n(4)
    collect clear 
    foreach var of varlist rep78 headroom trunk weight{
        bys price_quart: collect: reg `var' mpg
    collect layout (colname#cmdset#result[_r_b _r_se]) (price_quart)
    * change -cmdset- to -coleq-
    collect layout (colname#coleq#result[_r_b _r_se]) (price_quart)
    collect preview
    * add means of indepvar
    bys price_quart: collect, tag(Mean[_hide]): sum mpg
    * add separator
    collect style cell Mean, border(top)
    collect layout (colname#coleq#result[_r_b _r_se] Mean#result[mean]) (price_quart)
    Here is the resulting table.
                            |         1         2         3         4
    Mileage (mpg)           |                                        
      Repair record 1978    |                                        
        Coefficient         |  .1421708  .1202839  .0575758  .0863231
        Std. error          |  .0418936  .0303852  .0382828  .0440138
      Headroom (in.)        |                                        
        Coefficient         | -.0869037 -.0795455 -.0409091  -.102846
        Std. error          |   .036981  .0363444   .034722  .0292255
      Trunk space (cu. ft.) |                                        
        Coefficient         | -.3590783 -.3768939 -.3060606 -.5383225
        Std. error          |  .1198979  .1610064  .1685651  .1622297
      Weight (lbs.)         |                                        
        Coefficient         |  -95.2698 -100.3472 -85.78788 -143.8563
        Std. error          |  12.86579  20.13561  19.07369   29.6229
    Intercept               |                                        
      Repair record 1978    |                                        
        Coefficient         | -.2930886  .5558461  2.427432   2.03566
        Std. error          |  1.024801  .7322057  .7982089  .8005348
      Headroom (in.)        |                                        
        Coefficient         |  5.071966  4.856061  3.739234  4.901069
        Std. error          |  .9000655  .8705813  .7239658  .5408686
      Trunk space (cu. ft.) |                                        
        Coefficient         |  19.82434  21.79419  21.54226  25.04879
        Std. error          |   2.91815  3.856693  3.514641  3.002346
      Weight (lbs.)         |                                        
        Coefficient         |  4967.222  5083.657    4842.6  6106.422
        Std. error          |  313.1355  482.3215  397.6931  548.2237
    Mean                    |  23.84211  23.33333        20  17.94444
    If you do not want to see the intercepts, then
    . * specify the indepvar in -colname- to suppress the intercepts
    . collect layout (colname[mpg]#coleq#result[_r_b _r_se] Mean#result[mean]) (price_quart)
    Collection: default
          Rows: colname[mpg]#coleq#result[_r_b _r_se] Mean#result[mean]
       Columns: price_quart
       Table 1: 14 x 4
                            |         1         2         3         4
    Mileage (mpg)           |                                        
      Repair record 1978    |                                        
        Coefficient         |  .1421708  .1202839  .0575758  .0863231
        Std. error          |  .0418936  .0303852  .0382828  .0440138
      Headroom (in.)        |                                        
        Coefficient         | -.0869037 -.0795455 -.0409091  -.102846
        Std. error          |   .036981  .0363444   .034722  .0292255
      Trunk space (cu. ft.) |                                        
        Coefficient         | -.3590783 -.3768939 -.3060606 -.5383225
        Std. error          |  .1198979  .1610064  .1685651  .1622297
      Weight (lbs.)         |                                        
        Coefficient         |  -95.2698 -100.3472 -85.78788 -143.8563
        Std. error          |  12.86579  20.13561  19.07369   29.6229
    Mean                    |  23.84211  23.33333        20  17.94444


    • #3
      Thank you! That's exactly what I needed.
      What exactly does coleq do? I understand cmdset from here, but this does not explain what coleq does? Thanks again.


      • #4
        coleq is taken from the column equations of the matrix e(b) -- just like colname is taken from its column names.

        This and many other details about dimensions attached to collected results are mentioned in [TABLES] Intro 2.


        • #5

          If I directly wanted correlation coefficients instead of using the regression coefficients could I use the same set of commands but use corr instead of reg? I tried this and a few variations of this but fail to get the coefficients:

          sysuse auto, clear
          xtile price_quart = price, n(4)
          collect clear 
          foreach var of varlist rep78 headroom trunk weight{
              bys price_quart: collect: corr `var' mpg
          bys price_quart: collect, tag(Mean[_hide]): sum mpg
          collect style cell Mean, border(top)
          collect layout (colname#coleq#result[_rho] Mean#result[mean]) (price_quart)
          The output comes out without any correlation coefficients displayed:
          HTML Code:
               |        1        2  3        4
          Mean | 23.84211 23.33333 20 17.94444


          • #6
            It might be easier to make correlation tables with estpost and esttab


            • #7
              I have tried that but estpost correlate does not seem to be working with by()


              • #8
                In your correlations example, you are collecting scalar r(rho) from command correlate. In your layout you specify result[_rho], but it should be result[rho]. Additionally, scalars are not like matrices, they do not have column names or equations, but you can tag the scalars using colname and coleq with option tags() in your collect: prefix to correlate.

                In the following I highlight my changes to your code in blue.
                clear all
                sysuse auto, clear
                xtile price_quart = price, n(4)
                collect clear
                foreach var of varlist rep78 headroom trunk weight{
                    bys price_quart: collect, tags(coleq[`var'] colname[mpg]): corr `var' mpg
                bys price_quart: collect, tag(Mean[_hide]): sum mpg
                collect style cell Mean, border(top)
                * change -result[_rho]- to -result[rho]-; remove the underscore
                collect layout (colname#coleq#result[rho] Mean#result[mean]) (price_quart)
                Here is the resulting table.
                                        |         1         2         3         4
                Mileage (mpg)           |                                        
                  Repair record 1978    |                                        
                    ρ                   |  .6469415  .7267432  .3426785  .4642589
                  Headroom (in.)        |                                        
                    ρ                   | -.4951691 -.4800078 -.2747554 -.6605277
                  Trunk space (cu. ft.) |                                        
                    ρ                   | -.5876895 -.5050826 -.4030204 -.6384727
                  Weight (lbs.)         |                                        
                    ρ                   | -.8736923 -.7798644 -.7371372 -.7718732
                Mean                    |  23.84211  23.33333        20  17.94444

