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  • Odds Ratio with melogit


    I'm trying to run a null model (intercepts only) with an ordinal outcome. I'm using the melogit command and I've asked it for odds ratio, however, the output is giving my a negative odds ratio. Since odds ratios cannot be negative I am trying to understand how to make sense of this output, or how to identify the problem and see if I can fix it.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-12-18 141213.png
Views:	1
Size:	150.3 KB
ID:	1769698

  • #2
    you did not show your exact command but I believe that this is -meOlogit- not the -melogit- you say it is; in ordered models there are cutpoints and those are not what you apparently think they are; the manual entry for -ologit- has a discussion and you should look at that (or at a good text)

