Hello Forum members,
I am facing a problem in PSM method. Although I am aware of the recent development in kmatch, I would like to work on psmatch2 command just for the purpose. When I run the following codes
I am getting a graph of Covariate Balancing Test without covariates name as follows.
I am surprised to see this as for my another analysis I used same command with different covariates but used to get this graph with covariates. Can anyone guide me where I went wrong and how it could be resolved it?
I am facing a problem in PSM method. Although I am aware of the recent development in kmatch, I would like to work on psmatch2 command just for the purpose. When I run the following codes
psmatch2 migrant rural sc st bc mbc dnc_new male mar_current mar_oth primary middle high hisec diploma graduates oth_edu hh_memb self_agri self_nonag cl_agri cl_ind cl_serv salary_pvt other_work hh_rent Pucca Semipucca marginal small semimedium medium large highinc upmidinc lowmidinc, outcome(total_income_yearly) logit ate n(1) pstest rural sc st bc mbc dnc_new male mar_current mar_oth primary middle high hisec diploma graduates oth_edu hh_memb self_agri self_nonag cl_agri cl_ind cl_serv salary_pvt other_work hh_rent Pucca Semipucca marginal small semimedium medium large highinc upmidinc lowmidinc, graph both
I am surprised to see this as for my another analysis I used same command with different covariates but used to get this graph with covariates. Can anyone guide me where I went wrong and how it could be resolved it?