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  • Confidence intervals in one cell for esttab

    I'd like to obtain confidence intervals on 1 row using esttab but seems like my code only captures ub on a separate column. Is there a way to capture them in the same column and as a parentheses () or bracket []

    * Get the unique levels of stoptype and store them in a local macro
    levelsof type, local(levels)

    * Loop through each level of stoptype with a new name for the loop variable
    foreach i of local levels {

    * Use estpost to perform a confidence interval calculation for each stop_level and store the results
    eststo: estpost ci monitorstopok monf mons if type == "`i'"
    eststo: estpost ci monitorstopok monf mons

    * Use esttab to export the results, with b, lb, and ub in one row
    esttab using type_upper_lower.rtf, cell(b(fmt(%5.3f)) "lb(fmt(%5.2f)) ub(fmt(%5.2f))") unstack varwidth(15) replace

  • #2
    See #4: Note that estout is from SSC, as you are asked to explain (FAQ Advice #12).


    • #3
      Okay -- thanks that was helpful. I'm struggling though to get the bracket after ub. Here is the code that only puts a bracket before lb but I cannot get it for ub. Something I'm overlooking clearly!
      esttab using type_ci.rtf, label cells(b(fmt(2)) lb(par("[") fmt(a2))&ub(fmt(a2))) ///
      incelldelimiter("-") unstack varwidth(15) replace


      • #4
        From the linked thread, notice that I create a redundant matrix and estadd it for just that reason. My matrices below are named "cll" and "clu", corresponding to the lower CI and upper CI, respectively.

        sysuse auto, clear
        estimates clear
        regress mpg weight, nocons
        estadd mat cll= r(table)["ll", 1]
        estadd mat clu= r(table)["ul", 1]
        mat blank= J(`=rowsof(e(b))', `=colsof(e(b))', 1)
        mat colnames blank= `:colnames e(b)'
        estadd mat blank
        esttab .,  label cells(b(fmt(2)) cll(par("[") fmt(a2))&clu(fmt(a2))&blank(fmt(a0) par("]"))) ///
        incelldelimiter("-") unstack varwidth(15) replace substitute(-]1 "]" ) collab(none)

        . esttab .,  label cells(b(fmt(2)) cll(par("[") fmt(a2))&clu(fmt(a2))&blank(fmt(a0) par("]"))) ///
        > incelldelimiter("-") unstack varwidth(15) replace substitute(-]1 "]" ) collab(none)
                        Mileage (m~)
        Weight (lbs.)           0.01
        Observations              74


        • #5
          Also note that it is not a good idea to use a dash as a separator as the upper CI can be negative. Use a comma instead.

