I'd like to obtain confidence intervals on 1 row using esttab but seems like my code only captures ub on a separate column. Is there a way to capture them in the same column and as a parentheses () or bracket []
* Get the unique levels of stoptype and store them in a local macro
levelsof type, local(levels)
* Loop through each level of stoptype with a new name for the loop variable
foreach i of local levels {
* Use estpost to perform a confidence interval calculation for each stop_level and store the results
eststo: estpost ci monitorstopok monf mons if type == "`i'"
eststo: estpost ci monitorstopok monf mons
* Use esttab to export the results, with b, lb, and ub in one row
esttab using type_upper_lower.rtf, cell(b(fmt(%5.3f)) "lb(fmt(%5.2f)) ub(fmt(%5.2f))") unstack varwidth(15) replace
* Get the unique levels of stoptype and store them in a local macro
levelsof type, local(levels)
* Loop through each level of stoptype with a new name for the loop variable
foreach i of local levels {
* Use estpost to perform a confidence interval calculation for each stop_level and store the results
eststo: estpost ci monitorstopok monf mons if type == "`i'"
eststo: estpost ci monitorstopok monf mons
* Use esttab to export the results, with b, lb, and ub in one row
esttab using type_upper_lower.rtf, cell(b(fmt(%5.3f)) "lb(fmt(%5.2f)) ub(fmt(%5.2f))") unstack varwidth(15) replace