Dear All,
I am trying to run the following code:
However, Stata replies:
I cannot figure out where the mistake is. Any hint?
Thanks in advanced for your kind help.
I am trying to run the following code:
cap program drop myboot cap drop fitted imr program define myboot, eclass preserve syntax [if] [in] probit credits_dummy $instruments log_isee1 if female == `i' predict double fitted`i', xb gen double imr`i' = normalden(fitted`i') / normal(fitted`i') ivreg2 std_gpa (autonuni=$instruments) imr`i' if female == `i', cluster(cds) endog(autonuni) matrix b`i'=e(b) ereturn post b`i' ereturn local cmd="bootstrap" end forvalues i=0/1{ bootstrap _b`i', seed(12345) reps(500): myboot est store heck`i' }
invalid syntax an error occurred when bootstrap executed myboot
Thanks in advanced for your kind help.