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  • Cumunlative sum between dates

    I would like to generate a cumulative sum of the variable DosesAdministered that occur between the administereddate variable and the createdon variable. This represents the queue of outstanding doses that have not yet been created on each date. Does anyone have a suggestion on some syntax that would work for this purpose? Provided some example data below. I've included weekstartdate variable, as I intend to collapse the data by this weekly start date for graphing purposes. Kind thanks in advance for any guidance.

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input float administereddate byte DosesAdministered float createdon int weekstartdate
    23254 .     . 23249
    23255 .     . 23249
    23256 .     . 23256
    23257 .     . 23256
    23258 .     . 23256
    23259 .     . 23256
    23260 .     . 23256
    23261 .     . 23256
    23262 .     . 23256
    23263 .     . 23263
    23264 .     . 23263
    23265 .     . 23263
    23266 .     . 23263
    23267 .     . 23263
    23268 .     . 23263
    23269 .     . 23263
    23270 .     . 23270
    23271 .     . 23270
    23272 .     . 23270
    23273 .     . 23270
    23274 .     . 23270
    23275 .     . 23270
    23276 .     . 23270
    23277 .     . 23277
    23278 .     . 23277
    23279 .     . 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23285 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23280 1 23281 23277
    23281 1 23285 23277
    23281 1 23285 23277
    23281 1 23285 23277
    format %tdDD-Mon-YY administereddate
    format %tdDD-Mon-YY createdon
    format %tdnn/dd/CCYY weekstartdate

  • #2
    Like this?

    frame put administereddate createdon  DosesAdministered if !missing(createdon), into(count)
    frame count: collapse (sum) DosesAdministered, by(administereddate createdon)
    frame count:  bys administereddate (createdon): gen wanted= sum(DosesAdministered)
    frlink m:1 administereddate createdon, frame(count)
    frget wanted, from(count)
    drop count
    frame drop count

    . l, sep(0)
         | adminis~e   DosesA~d   createdon   weeksta~e   wanted |
      1. | 01-Sep-23          .           .   8/27/2023        . |
      2. | 02-Sep-23          .           .   8/27/2023        . |
      3. | 03-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
      4. | 04-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
      5. | 05-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
      6. | 06-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
      7. | 07-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
      8. | 08-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
      9. | 09-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
     10. | 10-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
     11. | 11-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
     12. | 12-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
     13. | 13-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
     14. | 14-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
     15. | 15-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
     16. | 16-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
     17. | 17-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
     18. | 18-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
     19. | 19-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
     20. | 20-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
     21. | 21-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
     22. | 22-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
     23. | 23-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
     24. | 24-Sep-23          .           .   9/24/2023        . |
     25. | 25-Sep-23          .           .   9/24/2023        . |
     26. | 26-Sep-23          .           .   9/24/2023        . |
     27. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     28. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     29. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     30. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     31. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     32. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     33. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     34. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     35. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     36. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     37. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     38. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     39. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     40. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     41. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     42. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     43. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     44. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     45. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     46. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     47. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     48. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     49. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     50. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     51. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     52. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     53. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     54. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     55. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     56. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     57. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     58. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     59. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     60. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     61. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     62. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     63. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     64. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     65. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     66. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     67. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     68. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     69. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     70. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     71. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     72. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     73. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     74. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     75. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     76. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     77. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     78. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     79. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     80. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     81. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     82. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     83. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     84. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     85. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     86. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     87. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     88. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     89. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     90. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     91. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     92. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     93. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     94. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     95. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
     96. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     97. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       45 |
     98. | 28-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023        3 |
     99. | 28-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023        3 |
    100. | 28-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023        3 |


    • #3
      Hi Andrew Musau thank you for your reply. I think something like this would work, but it may need some more adjustments. Since there was a total sum of 71 doses administered on 27-Sep-23, but none had been entered on 27-Sep-23, I was expecting the wanted=71 for all on this date (since the 'created on' date had not occurred yet for any of these doses. Following this, the next day 28-Sept-23 would include the previous doses not entered (71), plus doses administered on 28-Sep-23, minus any doses that had a createdon date of 28-Sep-23.

      I was hoping to find a way to get a cumulative total of doses per day that had not yet been created. Let me know if you need any further clarification, and I can try to see what might work. I appreciate your assistance.


      • #4
        * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
        input float administereddate byte DosesAdministered float createdon int weekstartdate
        23254 .     . 23249
        23255 .     . 23249
        23256 .     . 23256
        23257 .     . 23256
        23258 .     . 23256
        23259 .     . 23256
        23260 .     . 23256
        23261 .     . 23256
        23262 .     . 23256
        23263 .     . 23263
        23264 .     . 23263
        23265 .     . 23263
        23266 .     . 23263
        23267 .     . 23263
        23268 .     . 23263
        23269 .     . 23263
        23270 .     . 23270
        23271 .     . 23270
        23272 .     . 23270
        23273 .     . 23270
        23274 .     . 23270
        23275 .     . 23270
        23276 .     . 23270
        23277 .     . 23277
        23278 .     . 23277
        23279 .     . 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23285 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23280 1 23281 23277
        23281 1 23285 23277
        23281 1 23285 23277
        23281 1 23285 23277
        format %tdDD-Mon-YY administereddate
        format %tdDD-Mon-YY createdon
        format %tdnn/dd/CCYY weekstartdate
        frame put administereddate createdon  DosesAdministered if !missing(createdon), into(count)
        frame count{
            rename (administereddate createdon) time=
            gen obsno=_n
            reshape long time, i(obsno) j(which) string
            sort time which
            replace DosesAdministered= -DosesAdministered if which=="createdon"
            collapse (sum) DosesAdministered, by(time)
            gen wanted= sum(Doses)
        frlink m:1 administereddate, frame(count time)
        frget wanted, from(count)
        drop count
        frame drop count

        . l, sep(0)
             | adminis~e   DosesA~d   createdon   weeksta~e   wanted |
          1. | 01-Sep-23          .           .   8/27/2023        . |
          2. | 02-Sep-23          .           .   8/27/2023        . |
          3. | 03-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
          4. | 04-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
          5. | 05-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
          6. | 06-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
          7. | 07-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
          8. | 08-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
          9. | 09-Sep-23          .           .    9/3/2023        . |
         10. | 10-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
         11. | 11-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
         12. | 12-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
         13. | 13-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
         14. | 14-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
         15. | 15-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
         16. | 16-Sep-23          .           .   9/10/2023        . |
         17. | 17-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
         18. | 18-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
         19. | 19-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
         20. | 20-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
         21. | 21-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
         22. | 22-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
         23. | 23-Sep-23          .           .   9/17/2023        . |
         24. | 24-Sep-23          .           .   9/24/2023        . |
         25. | 25-Sep-23          .           .   9/24/2023        . |
         26. | 26-Sep-23          .           .   9/24/2023        . |
         27. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         28. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         29. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         30. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         31. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         32. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         33. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         34. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         35. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         36. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         37. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         38. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         39. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         40. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         41. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         42. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         43. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         44. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         45. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         46. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         47. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         48. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         49. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         50. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         51. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         52. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         53. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         54. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         55. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         56. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         57. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         58. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         59. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         60. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         61. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         62. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         63. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         64. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         65. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         66. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         67. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         68. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         69. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         70. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         71. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         72. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         73. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         74. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         75. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         76. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         77. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         78. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         79. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         80. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         81. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         82. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         83. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         84. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         85. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         86. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         87. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         88. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         89. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         90. | 27-Sep-23          1   28-Sep-23   9/24/2023       71 |
         91. | 27-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       71 |
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         98. | 28-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       29 |
         99. | 28-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       29 |
        100. | 28-Sep-23          1   02-Oct-23   9/24/2023       29 |


        • #5
          Thank you very much Andrew Musau! That worked like a charm

