Hey everyone,
I have the following dataset:
And am reshaping it using this command:
Here's my question: I would like the new variable created "Category" to not consist of the previous variables names (e.g. "PlcyLear") but of the variable labels of the original ag1de_ prefixed variables (e.g. "Policy learning"). Do you have an idea how I could do this?
For your reference, here are the policy labels.
Thank you!
I have the following dataset:
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str14 Type float(ag1de_Plcyprob ag1de_PlcyForm ag1de_Implemen ag1de_Affected ag1de_PlcyLear ag1de_External obs_id) "ag2di_Admin" 63.15789 94.73685 100 63.15789 47.36842 68.42105 1 "ag2di_Cooperat" 50 75 100 50 25 100 2 "ag2di_Economic" 44.73684 85.52631 94.73685 59.21053 28.94737 78.94737 3 "ag2di_Informat" 66.66667 83.33333 100 33.333336 50 83.33333 4 "ag2di_Regulve" 60 88 98.66667 64 34.666668 53.33334 5 end
reshape long ag1de_, i(obs_id) j(Category) string
For your reference, here are the policy labels.
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str14 name str25 varlab "Type" "" "ag1de_Plcyprob" " Policy problem/issue" "ag1de_PlcyForm" " Policy Formulation" "ag1de_Implemen" " Implementation Structure" "ag1de_Affected" " Affected Groups" "ag1de_PlcyLear" " Policy learning" "ag1de_External" " External Factors" "obs_id" "" end
Thank you!