based on the following example, my understanding is that CRE _r_b and _r_se should be reported allined with other estimators, as they are fully comparable.
based on the following example, my understanding is that CRE _r_b and _r_se should be reported allined with other estimators, as they are fully comparable.
use http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/greene2000/TBL15-1.dta,clear
xtset firm year
vl clear
vl create depVar = (i)
vl create vlcont = (f c)
xtreg i f c,fe
estimate store fe
xtreg i f c,re
estimate store re
xtreg i f c,cre
estimate store cre
collect clear
collect create output
collect set output
qui etable, estimates(re fe cre ) cstat(_r_b,nformat(%3.2f)) showstars showstarsnote name(output, replace)
collect label levels etable_depvar 1 "re" 2 "fe" 3 "cre", modify
collect style cell result[_r_b] , nformat("%3.1f")
collect layout (coleq#colname#result[_r_b _r_se] result[N]) (etable_depvar#stars) (), name(output)
Collection: output
Rows: coleq#colname#result[_r_b _r_se] result[N]
Columns: etable_depvar#stars
Table 1: 17 x 6
re fe cre
f 0.1 ** 0.1 **
(0.015) (0.016)
c 0.3 ** 0.3 **
(0.024) (0.024)
Intercept -60.3 -62.6 *
(54.484) (29.442)
f 0.1 **
c 0.3 **
Intercept -2.1
f 0.3
c -1.9
Number of observations 100 100 100
** p<.01, * p<.05