I create and save two graphs. In one of them, I change the size of the x-labels to large.
The graphs are as I expected. One graph has the larger x-labels.
Next, I load the gph files and apply a new scheme. This scheme changes the x-label size.
The scheme file:
The do file:
The output from the figure created without modification has the x-label size correctly applied from the scheme. The figure created with a modified x-label size does not have the scheme-defined x-label size. It otherwise seems to apply the scheme elements.
Am I doing something wrong? Have I misread the purpose and use of these commands? Thank you for your help.
sysuse auto twoway scatter mpg price, scheme(s2color) name(defaults) graph save defs, replace twoway scatter mpg price, scheme(s2color) xlabel(,labsize(large)) name(modified) graph save mod, replace
Next, I load the gph files and apply a new scheme. This scheme changes the x-label size.
The scheme file:
#include stcolor gsize tick_label 1
clear all graph use defs, scheme(test) graph use mod, scheme(test)
Am I doing something wrong? Have I misread the purpose and use of these commands? Thank you for your help.