Is it possible to make a bar graph where some parts of the graph are shaded?
Im generating the bargraph as a horizontal bar with length defined by the variable 'end' and I also have intervals within the bars defined by variables 'rec' and 'res'
I want to shade the bar black or some other color between the blue and red markers on each bar like this (mockup in MS paint)
Any help would be appreciated
Is it possible to make a bar graph where some parts of the graph are shaded?
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float(id end rec res) 1 78 . . 2 169 . . 2 . 20 30 2 . 80 140 3 365 . . 3 . 60 200 4 365 . . 4 . 20 120 4 . 160 200 5 . 10 300 5 365 . . 6 365 . . end
Im generating the bargraph as a horizontal bar with length defined by the variable 'end' and I also have intervals within the bars defined by variables 'rec' and 'res'
tw (bar end id, hor bcolor(blue%20) lcolor(none) lwidth(vthin))(scatter id rec, mcolor(blue) msize(tiny) msymbol(square))(scatter id > res, mcolor(red) msize(tiny) msymbol(square)), ylabel(none) ymtick(none)
I want to shade the bar black or some other color between the blue and red markers on each bar like this (mockup in MS paint)
Any help would be appreciated