Hello all,
My dataset comprises of women who are being followed up and are tested for pregnancy every 3 months. Even after testing positive for pregnancy they still are followed up however on the next visit the participant's pregnancy test result is recorded as negative or is missing.
I will be running an analysis of pregnancy incidence and Cox regression. Hence the final date for each participant needs to be the date they recorded a positive pregnancy test result.
[by record_id: egen final_date = max(tpregtest_date)] This was the code for creating final_date variable. it is the last recorded date for a participant. However, for those that tested positive for pregnancy it would have to be the date they were tested and not the lastest follow-up date.
My question is how do I change the final_date for participants who tested positive for pregnancy to the same date?
I tried [bysort record_id: replace final_date = tpregtest_date if preg==1] however it only changed the date when the even was recorded. Please refer to ID 17 as an example.
For more context tpregtest_result is the pregnancy test outcome and preg is a variable I generated also standing for pregnancy test outcome.
My dataset comprises of women who are being followed up and are tested for pregnancy every 3 months. Even after testing positive for pregnancy they still are followed up however on the next visit the participant's pregnancy test result is recorded as negative or is missing.
I will be running an analysis of pregnancy incidence and Cox regression. Hence the final date for each participant needs to be the date they recorded a positive pregnancy test result.
[by record_id: egen final_date = max(tpregtest_date)] This was the code for creating final_date variable. it is the last recorded date for a participant. However, for those that tested positive for pregnancy it would have to be the date they were tested and not the lastest follow-up date.
My question is how do I change the final_date for participants who tested positive for pregnancy to the same date?
I tried [bysort record_id: replace final_date = tpregtest_date if preg==1] however it only changed the date when the even was recorded. Please refer to ID 17 as an example.
For more context tpregtest_result is the pregnancy test outcome and preg is a variable I generated also standing for pregnancy test outcome.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int record_id str23 redcap_event_name byte tpregtest_result float(preg tpregtest_date final_date) 1 "m3_arm_1" 2 0 23314 23656 1 "m6_arm_1" 2 0 23401 23656 1 "m9_arm_1" 2 0 23481 23656 1 "m12_arm_1" 2 0 23568 23656 1 "m15_arm_1" 2 0 23656 23656 1 "enrolment_arm_1" . 0 . 23656 2 "m3_arm_1" 2 0 23316 23652 2 "m6_arm_1" 2 0 23447 23652 2 "m9_arm_1" 2 0 23482 23652 2 "m12_arm_1" 2 0 23572 23652 2 "m15_arm_1" 2 0 23652 23652 2 "enrolment_arm_1" . 0 . 23652 13 "m3_arm_1" 2 0 23321 23660 13 "m6_arm_1" 2 0 23405 23660 13 "m9_arm_1" 2 0 23454 23660 13 "m12_arm_1" 2 0 23569 23660 13 "m15_arm_1" 2 0 23660 23660 13 "enrolment_arm_1" . 0 . 23660 14 "enrolment_arm_1" 2 0 23321 23568 14 "m3_arm_1" 2 0 23321 23568 14 "m6_arm_1" 2 0 23405 23568 14 "m9_arm_1" 2 0 23485 23568 14 "m12_arm_1" 2 0 23568 23568 15 "m3_arm_1" 2 0 23321 23657 15 "m6_arm_1" 2 0 23405 23657 15 "m9_arm_1" 2 0 23484 23657 15 "m12_arm_1" 2 0 23569 23657 15 "m15_arm_1" 2 0 23657 23657 15 "enrolment_arm_1" . 0 . 23657 16 "m3_arm_1" 2 0 23350 23657 16 "m9_arm_1" 2 0 23484 23657 16 "m12_arm_1" 2 0 23569 23657 16 "m15_arm_1" 2 0 23657 23657 16 "m6_arm_1" . 0 . 23657 16 "enrolment_arm_1" . 0 . 23657 17 "m12_arm_1" 1 1 23625 23625 17 "m15_arm_1" 2 0 23659 23659 17 "m6_arm_1" . 0 . 23659 17 "m3_arm_1" . 0 . 23659 17 "enrolment_arm_1" . 0 . 23659 18 "m3_arm_1" 2 0 23322 23572 18 "m6_arm_1" 2 0 23406 23572 18 "m9_arm_1" 2 0 23483 23572 18 "m12_arm_1" 1 1 23572 23572 18 "enrolment_arm_1" . 0 . 23572 18 "m15_arm_1" . 0 . 23572 end format %dM_d,_CY tpregtest_date format %td final_date label values tpregtest_result tpregtest_result_ label def tpregtest_result_ 1 "Positive", modify label def tpregtest_result_ 2 "Negative", modify label values preg preg_ label def preg_ 0 "No", modify label def preg_ 1 "Yes", modify