Hello everyone!
I am trying to forecast an ARDL model but I am getting the following message, although there are no missing values for the exogenous variable.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Stata v. 17
I am trying to forecast an ARDL model but I am getting the following message, although there are no missing values for the exogenous variable.
. ardl lnLifeExpec lnGDPpercap_0_5, aic dots maxlags(2) ec Optimal lag selection, % complete: -20%---+---40%---+---60%---+---80%---+-100% .................................................. AIC optimized over 6 lag combinations ARDL(1,0) regression Sample: 1962 thru 2023 Number of obs = 62 R-squared = 0.0909 Adj R-squared = 0.0601 Log likelihood = 249.61942 Root MSE = 0.0044 D.lnLifeExpec Coefficient Std. err. t P>t [95% conf. interval] ADJ lnLifeExpec L1. -.0611332 .0256251 -2.39 0.020 -.1124089 -.0098575 LR lnGDPpercap_0_5 .107768 .0287109 3.75 0.000 .0503176 .1652184 SR _cons .2041732 .0830615 2.46 0.017 .0379675 .370379 . estimates store ardl . forecast create ardl Forecast model ardl started. . forecast estimates ardl, names(lnLifeExpec_f) predict(xb) Added estimation results from ardl. Forecast model ardl now contains 1 endogenous variable. . forecast exogenous lnGDPpercap_0_5 Forecast model ardl now contains 1 declared exogenous variable. . forecast solve, begin (2024) end(2030) Computing dynamic forecasts for model ardl. Starting period: 2024 Ending period: 2030 Forecast prefix: f_ 2024: ............ 2025: missing values encountered Missing values were encountered while attempting to solve the model at time 2025. Forecast for variable lnLifeExpec_f evaluates to missing. r(416); . list Year lnLifeExpec lnGDPpercap_0_5 if Year>=2022 & Year<=2030 Year lnLife~c lnGD~0_5 - 63. 2022 4.389953 9.917771 64. 2023 4.401829 9.944 65. 2024 . 9.948988 66. 2025 . 9.953976 67. 2026 . 9.958963 - 68. 2027 . 9.963951 69. 2028 . 9.968938 70. 2029 . 9.973926 71. 2030 . 9.978913 .
Stata v. 17