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  • Stata 18.5: error in dir folders: graph or Putdocx docx

    This year I change my Stata version to 18.5, lamentably I am getting continually error when saving graphs or some putdocx documents, dont locate the folder or dir.

    I solved this deleting the dir folder: graphs or Putdocx docx but its not a good idea.

    I used continually the same do file with various Stata versions, same PC but its the first time that I look this...

    Another error that I found its that some bar in graph bar are not displaying getting margins of 0.13 according with Stata table...

    Lamentably I can not replicate this bug with a example.

    Some idea to fix this? I update continually Stata...

    Sorry for bad format, I only delete the names.

    . margins
    Predictive margins                                       Number of obs = 2,376
    Model VCE: Robust
                              |            Delta-method
                              |     Margin   std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
    _predict#level   |
         1#Nivel 1     |   .1304132   .0075378    17.30   0.000     .1156395    .1451869
       1#Nivel 11     |    .146524    .020492     7.15   0.000     .1063604    .1866876
         2#Nivel 2     |   .7131526   .0105612    67.53   0.000     .6924531    .7338521
       2#Nivel 22     |   .7102136    .024749    28.70   0.000     .6617065    .7587207
         3#Nivel 3     |   .1564342     .00859    18.21   0.000     .1395982    .1732702
       3#Nivel 33.    |   .1432624   .0171144     8.37   0.000     .1097188    .1768061
    marginsplot, recast(bar) noci plotopts(barw(.8)) by(level) 
    Click image for larger version

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    Last edited by Rodrigo Badilla; 07 Dec 2024, 15:06.