Hi All,
I am trying to store the estimates of ivprobit model using etable. However, I am experiencing some issues in storing these estimates.
When I run the ivprobit command, I get estimates for 5 variables. However, when the table is produced, I have 25 variables estimated and displayed. I am not sure why these extra estimates are produced.
The command used is:
ivprobit dummy_list i.hs2dum (list_CHN_1 list_CHN_2 list_CHN_3 list_CHN_4=iv_CHN_1 iv_CHN_2 iv_CHN_3 iv_CHN_4) BEC_new different_con change_2011_2015_unweighted weighted_trade_balance_broad, vce(robust)
eststo IV
estadd local FE = "Yes": IV
etable, est(OLS IV) mstat(N) mstat(p_exog, label("Exogeneity test Wald p-value")) mstat(FE, label("2-digit Product Fixed Effects")) stars(0.05 "**") showstars showstarsnote title("Table 2A. Baseline Regressions: Probit and ivprobit; Dependent Variable: Tariff Dummy where 1 indicates product is tariffed and 0 otherwise") column(estimates) keep (list_CHN_1 list_CHN_2 list_CHN_3 list_CHN_4 BEC_new different_con change_2011_2015_unweighted weighted_trade_balance_broad) note("Note: 2-digit Product Fixed Effects are included in both models.") note(For IV regression, list_CHN_* is instrumented with China Shock variable.) note(list_CHN_* is a product of listtime dummies for that specific list and list_proposed_CHN_divide.) note(Standard errors are provided in the parentheses.) export(mydoc1a.docx, replace)
The output of the etable is shown below. I will greatly appreciate the reasoning of this is expected or some way to resolve this given it is an issue. Thanks in advance.
I am trying to store the estimates of ivprobit model using etable. However, I am experiencing some issues in storing these estimates.
When I run the ivprobit command, I get estimates for 5 variables. However, when the table is produced, I have 25 variables estimated and displayed. I am not sure why these extra estimates are produced.
The command used is:
ivprobit dummy_list i.hs2dum (list_CHN_1 list_CHN_2 list_CHN_3 list_CHN_4=iv_CHN_1 iv_CHN_2 iv_CHN_3 iv_CHN_4) BEC_new different_con change_2011_2015_unweighted weighted_trade_balance_broad, vce(robust)
eststo IV
estadd local FE = "Yes": IV
etable, est(OLS IV) mstat(N) mstat(p_exog, label("Exogeneity test Wald p-value")) mstat(FE, label("2-digit Product Fixed Effects")) stars(0.05 "**") showstars showstarsnote title("Table 2A. Baseline Regressions: Probit and ivprobit; Dependent Variable: Tariff Dummy where 1 indicates product is tariffed and 0 otherwise") column(estimates) keep (list_CHN_1 list_CHN_2 list_CHN_3 list_CHN_4 BEC_new different_con change_2011_2015_unweighted weighted_trade_balance_broad) note("Note: 2-digit Product Fixed Effects are included in both models.") note(For IV regression, list_CHN_* is instrumented with China Shock variable.) note(list_CHN_* is a product of listtime dummies for that specific list and list_proposed_CHN_divide.) note(Standard errors are provided in the parentheses.) export(mydoc1a.docx, replace)
The output of the etable is shown below. I will greatly appreciate the reasoning of this is expected or some way to resolve this given it is an issue. Thanks in advance.