Dear Professors,
I have panel data with 110 countries and 10 time periods, so N=110 and T=10.
The equation I need to estimate comes from economic theory and it is:
yit = β1 x1,it + β2 x2,it + β3(x2,it * δit) + ci + ξt + uit,
where δit is a dummy variable taking value 1 if x2,it ≥ K and zero otherwise, with K a scalar (a given threshold level).
There are some complications here, and what I’m gonna say comes from economic theory:
x1,it is endogenous;
x2,it is predetermined.
In your opinion, what's the best way to deal with endogeneity, slope heterogeneity and for the presence of country fixed effects?
Still, from theory, I cannot place a random effect assumption and I cannot assume that ci is uncorrelated with my regressors.
The TWFE estimator will be inconsistent, but maybe it can still be a decent benchmark to compare point estimates using other estimators since the TWFE estimator is inconsistent of the order 1/T.
Since I don't have external instruments, the only way I know to deal simultaneously with country fixed effects and endogeneity is the Arellano and Bond estimator.
Is there any better option to consider to estimate the equation above and still exploit internal instruments?
Should I consider a multivariate time series analysis and rely on some of the recent work by Pesaran et al.? My actual time dimension is T=50 but I took 5-year averages to smooth out cyclical fluctuations in the data
Thanks a lot
I have panel data with 110 countries and 10 time periods, so N=110 and T=10.
The equation I need to estimate comes from economic theory and it is:
yit = β1 x1,it + β2 x2,it + β3(x2,it * δit) + ci + ξt + uit,
where δit is a dummy variable taking value 1 if x2,it ≥ K and zero otherwise, with K a scalar (a given threshold level).
There are some complications here, and what I’m gonna say comes from economic theory:
x1,it is endogenous;
x2,it is predetermined.
In your opinion, what's the best way to deal with endogeneity, slope heterogeneity and for the presence of country fixed effects?
Still, from theory, I cannot place a random effect assumption and I cannot assume that ci is uncorrelated with my regressors.
The TWFE estimator will be inconsistent, but maybe it can still be a decent benchmark to compare point estimates using other estimators since the TWFE estimator is inconsistent of the order 1/T.
Since I don't have external instruments, the only way I know to deal simultaneously with country fixed effects and endogeneity is the Arellano and Bond estimator.
Is there any better option to consider to estimate the equation above and still exploit internal instruments?
Should I consider a multivariate time series analysis and rely on some of the recent work by Pesaran et al.? My actual time dimension is T=50 but I took 5-year averages to smooth out cyclical fluctuations in the data
Thanks a lot