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  • Examining interactions using two methods (including margins for estimating probabilities) - do these two methods achieve the same thing?

    Hi All
    I'm testing for interaction effects using two different approaches and I am assuming both give the same or very similar answers. However, I would like some confirmation that this is indeed true: both methods are assessing the same thing.

    I have two categorical predictor variables: income which has 4 categories (Q1 to Q4) and homelessness (yes or no - coded as 1 or 0). The outcome is binary - general health coded as 0 (good) and 1 (not good).

    1. In the first approach, I combine the categories of the two predictors to create a new variable 'homeincome' (thus having 4X2, 8 categories: income Q1 & not homeless, income Q1 & homeless, income Q2 & not homeless etc.). This is the 'inter-categorical' approach to testing for interactions and combing the categories from the two variables incorporates interactions:

    mi xeq: gen homeincome = 0
    mi xeq: replace homeincome = 0 if incomeq3x==1 & homeever==0
    mi xeq: replace homeincome = 1 if incomeq3x==1 & homeever==1
    mi xeq: replace homeincome = 2 if incomeq3x==2 & homeever==0
    mi xeq: replace homeincome = 3 if incomeq3x==2 & homeever==1
    mi xeq: replace homeincome = 4 if incomeq3x==3 & homeever==0
    mi xeq: replace homeincome = 5 if incomeq3x==3 & homeever==1
    mi xeq: replace homeincome = 6 if incomeq3x==4 & homeever==0
    mi xeq: replace homeincome = 7 if incomeq3x==4 & homeever==1
    tab homeincome

    label var homeincome "Homelessness & family income"
    label define homeincome 0 "Q1-NH" 1 "Q1-Home" 2 "Q2-NH" 3 "Q2-home" 4 "Q3-NH" 5 "Q3-home" 6 "Q4-NH" 7 "Q4-home"
    label values homeincome homeincome
    tab homeincome

    I run the logistic model followed by margins to get estimated probabilities for each category:

    mi est, post or: logistic genhealth i.homeincome
    Multiple-imputation estimates                   Imputations       =         35
    Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =     10,232
    Average RVI       =     0.0227
    Largest FMI       =     0.1514
    DF adjustment:   Large sample                   DF:     min       =   1,504.96
    avg       = 2961484.66
    max       =   1.67e+07
    Model F test:       Equal FMI                   F(   7,805393.2)  =      17.68
    Within VCE type:          OIM                   Prob > F          =     0.0000
    genhealth  Odds ratio   Std. err.      t    P>t     [95% conf. interval]
    Q1-Home       3.25       1.23     3.12   0.002         1.55        6.81
    Q2-NH         0.78       0.09    -2.26   0.024         0.63        0.97
    Q2-home       4.13       1.80     3.26   0.001         1.76        9.69
    Q3-NH         0.57       0.07    -4.70   0.000         0.45        0.72
    Q3-home       8.78       4.74     4.02   0.000         3.05        25.27
    Q4-NH         0.45       0.05    -7.61   0.000         0.36        0.55
    Q4-home       1.35       1.03     0.39   0.694         0.30        6.03
    _cons        0.11       0.01   -29.22   0.000         0.10        0.13
    Note: _cons estimates baseline odds.
    mimrgns (homeincome), predict(pr) cmdmargins
    Multiple-imputation estimates                   Imputations       =         35
    Adjusted predictions                            Number of obs     =     10,232
    Average RVI       =     0.0225
    Largest FMI       =     0.1502
    DF adjustment:   Large sample                   DF:     min       =   1,529.35
    avg       =   8.93e+57
    Within VCE type: Delta-method                           max       =   7.15e+58
    Expression   : Pr(genhealth), predict(pr)
    Margin   Std. err.      t    P>t     [95% conf. interval]
    Q1-NH         0.10       0.01    15.00   0.000         0.09        0.12
    Q1-Home       0.27       0.07     3.70   0.000         0.13        0.41
    Q2-NH         0.08       0.01    13.34   0.000         0.07        0.09
    Q2-home       0.32       0.09     3.43   0.001         0.14        0.50
    Q3-NH         0.06       0.01    11.26   0.000         0.05        0.07
    Q3-home       0.50       0.13     3.74   0.000         0.24        0.76
    Q4-NH         0.05       0.00    14.02   0.000         0.04        0.06
    Q4-home       0.13       0.09     1.52   0.129        -0.04        0.31
    2. In the second approach, I test for interactions in the more common way, followed my margins to generate probabilities:

    mi est, post or: logistic genhealth i.homeever##i.incomeq3x
    Multiple-imputation estimates Imputations = 35 Logistic regression Number of obs = 10,232 Average RVI = 0.0494 Largest FMI = 0.0719 DF adjustment: Large sample DF: min = 6,636.38 avg = 15,076.10 max = 23,384.59 Model F test: Equal FMI F( 8,125529.5) = 16.58 Within VCE type: OIM Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ genhealth | Odds ratio Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.homeever | 3.27 1.23 3.15 0.002 1.56 6.82 | incomeq3x | 2 | 0.75 0.08 -2.59 0.010 0.60 0.93 3 | 0.55 0.07 -4.95 0.000 0.44 0.70 4 | 0.43 0.05 -7.88 0.000 0.35 0.54 | homeever#incomeq3x | 1 2 | 1.65 0.94 0.87 0.384 0.54 5.06 1 3 | 4.54 3.00 2.29 0.022 1.24 16.59 1 4 | 0.91 0.77 -0.11 0.915 0.17 4.80 | | 1.20 0.10 2.34 0.019 1.03 1.41 _cons | 0.11 0.01 -26.08 0.000 0.09 0.13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: _cons estimates baseline odds.

    mimrgns (homeever##i.incomeq3x), predict(pr) cmdmargins
    Multiple-imputation estimates                   Imputations       =         35
    Predictive margins                              Number of obs     =     10,232
                                                    Average RVI       =     2.0130
                                                    Largest FMI       =     0.0716
    DF adjustment:   Large sample                   DF:     min       =   6,690.66
                                                            avg       =  16,838.73
    Within VCE type: Delta-method                           max       =  27,973.68
    Expression   : Pr(genhealth), predict(pr)
                       |     Margin   Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
              homeever |
                    0  |       0.07       0.00    26.85   0.000         0.06        0.07
                    1  |       0.27       0.05     5.48   0.000         0.18        0.37
             incomeq3x |
                    1  |       0.11       0.01    15.33   0.000         0.09        0.12
                    2  |       0.08       0.01    13.70   0.000         0.07        0.10
                    3  |       0.07       0.01    11.82   0.000         0.05        0.08
                    4  |       0.05       0.00    14.00   0.000         0.04        0.06
    homeever#incomeq3x |
                  0 1  |       0.11       0.01    15.01   0.000         0.09        0.12
                  0 2  |       0.08       0.01    13.34   0.000         0.07        0.09
                  0 3  |       0.06       0.01    11.29   0.000         0.05        0.07
                  0 4  |       0.05       0.00    14.05   0.000         0.04        0.06
                  1 1  |       0.28       0.07     3.79   0.000         0.13        0.42
                  1 2  |       0.32       0.09     3.46   0.001         0.14        0.51
                  1 3  |       0.49       0.13     3.70   0.000         0.23        0.75
                  1 4  |       0.13       0.09     1.52   0.128        -0.04        0.31

    The estimated probabilities for poor general health (genhealth) obtained from the two approaches are very similar (almost the same):
    For example, 1st approach; 0.10 for income Q1 & not homeless, and 0.27 for income Q1 & homeless. Corresponding probabilities for these two categories in second approach are 0.11 & 0.28

    It seems like the only difference is that the first approach (inter-categorical) gives the estimate for the interaction effect including the reference category which is missing in the second approach - but nonetheless these are still obtained when estimating predicted probabilities.


  • #2
    It seems like the only difference is that the first approach (inter-categorical) gives the estimate for the interaction effect including the reference category which is missing in the second approach - but nonetheless these are still obtained when estimating predicted probabilities.
    No and yes.

    No, it is not true that the first approach gives the estimate including the reference category. If you look carefully at the regression output and count the number of results for homeincome, only 7 of the 8 categories are represented. The reference category is, as is customary, absorbed into the constant term. In the second approach, if you look at the regression output, you will see that there is 1 output for homeever, 3 for incomeq3x, and 4 for homeever#incomeq3x, a total of 7. So either way, your 8 categories are transformed into 7 outputs plus a constant term. (Notice that the constant term is the same in both regressions--it represents the homeever == 0 incomeq3x == 1 reference category in both models.) The meanings of some of those terms are different, but they are algebraically transformable into each other.

    But, yes. Both approaches are estimating the exact same things: they just parameterize the model differently. The -margins- results are equivalent: the small differences you find are rounding and truncation errors which have accumulated over the course of very long computations involving multiple imputation, maximum likelihood estimation, application of Rubin's rules, calculating predicted probabilities per observation, and aggregating those predicted probabilities.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
      The -margins- results are equivalent:
      I'd say they should be identical. The differences are too large for rounding errors. The first model does not include sex.


      • #4
        Thanks Clyde - that makes perfect sense I always use margins to understand the interaction effects, so glad to hear that they are estimating the exact same thing in both cases.

        Just curious: in the first approach, the OR for Q3-home is 8.78 (i.e. 8.78 times higher odds for poor general health compared to the reference category Q1-NH), and in the second approach it is 4.54 for the same interacting categories. I know the interpretation of interactions effects in logistic models is quite complicated. But essentially, these two ORs refer to the same interactions?



        • #5
          daniel klein is quite right in #3. The ## model in #1 includes an additional variable, sex, that was omitted from the # model--I apologize for not noticing that! And many thanks to him for pointing it out. This, not rounding, accounts for the discrepancies between the two models. The addition (or omission) of a variable is a major change in a model and everything in the results can be affected by that. While I am correct in pointing out that rounding and truncation errors can, in principle, arise and produce minuscule differences between approaches that, ideally, should produce identical results, I was wrong to attribute discrpepancies as large as the ones seen here to that.

          So, O.P. should rerun things either including sex in both models, or omitting it from both. Then make your comparisons.

          That said,
          Just curious: in the first approach, the OR for Q3-home is 8.78 (i.e. 8.78 times higher odds for poor general health compared to the reference category Q1-NH), and in the second approach it is 4.54 for the same interacting categories [emphasis added].
          No, the bold faced calculation is not correct. 4.54 is the odds ratio for that interaction term, but that interaction term, in that ## model, does not represent the Q3-home:q1-nohome odds ratio. In that ## model, to calculate the Q3-home:Q1-nohome odds ratio you have to multiply together the odds ratios for home, Q3, and the Q3-home interaction terms. This gives you 3.27*0.55*4.54 = 8.17 (to 2 decimal places). That still doesn't match 8.78, but it is much closer, and I am confident that when you redo this with sex included either in both models or in neither, you will get an exact match beyond this level of precision.

