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  • Stata command for Pseudo-panel estimators

    Hope you can help me with the following questions,

    I have run a fixed effects model on pseudo panel data, by using xtreg, fe. Even though that command is for panel data, I have previously constructed my pseudo panel in R, and now I am just running xtreg, fe as If I had panel data. I would like to ask you whether that is the correct command to use.

    I would also like to know which is the command in stata which I can use to obtain the estimator proposed by "Deaton, Angus. "Panel data from time series of cross-sections." Journal of econometrics 30.1-2 (1985): 109-126.", as well as the proposed by "Verbeek, Marno, and Theo Nijman. "Minimum MSE estimation of a regression model with fixed effects from a series of cross-sections." Journal of Econometrics 59.1-2 (1993): 125-136".

    Thank you

  • #2
    the command reghdfe, from ssc install, can handle cross sectional, repeated cross sectional and panel data using the absorb option.


    • #3
      Thank you Maxence!

