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  • Why are rate ratios different in negative binomial and poisson regressions with one categorical covariate when using the exposure option?

    A simple example of the thing I'm confused over:

    clear all
    sysuse auto
    generate exposure = runiform()
    nbreg rep78 i.foreign
    poisson rep78 i.foreign //Match
    nbreg rep78 i.foreign, exposure(exposure)
    poisson rep78 i.foreign, exposure(exposure) //No Match
    When introducing the exposure term the coefficients change (which I expect), and they no longer match in the two types of regression. I thought that exposure was handled the same way in both settings so I'm a bit confused over it.

    So, why are rate ratios different in negative binomial and poisson regressions with one categorical covariate when using the exposure option, when they match in the case where you don't use exposure?

  • #2
    I think there's a different variance structure between the two with exposure.


    • #3
      Why do you assume they should yield the same results? The NB model assumes additional variance than the (standard) Poisson model does, and that can allow the point estimates to vary. They would only be the same if the alpha parameter in the NB reg model were exactly equal to zero, as is functionally observed in your first example.

      Edit to add: the NB model can be viewed as a mixture of Poisson random variables. The exposure information adds further variability than can then allow for a non-zero estimate of the dispersion parameter, alpha.
      Last edited by Leonardo Guizzetti; 03 Dec 2024, 14:13.

