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  • Calculate the following Wald statistic in Stata

    Hello everyone,

    I already have excess return data for ten assets (variables er1, er2, ..., er10) and a market portfolio labeled "vwerm." I am looking to compute the statistic from the following Equation (1). Since this is a just-idenfitied system, indicating that all parameters can be estimated by OLS, and residuals can be obtained accordingly.
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    I wrote a custom gmmwald.ado script using Claude, but the computed values seem excessively large.

    capture program drop gmmwald
    program define gmmwald, eclass
        version 12
        syntax varlist [if], flist(string) [nqui]
        marksample touse
        local nvar: word count `varlist'
        // Store sample size
        qui count if `touse'
        local T = r(N)
        // Store all OLS coefficients (both α and β)
        tempname delta
        matrix `delta' = J(2*`nvar', 1, 0)
        // Generate residuals first
        local i = 1
        foreach var of varlist `varlist' {
            tempvar res_`i'
            qui reg `var' `flist' if `touse'
            matrix `delta'[2*`i'-1, 1] = e(b)[1,1]  // α
            matrix `delta'[2*`i', 1] = e(b)[1,2]    // β
            qui predict double `res_`i'' if `touse', residuals
            local ++i
        // Create DT and ST matrices
        tempname DT ST
        matrix `DT' = J(2*`nvar', 2*`nvar', 0)
        matrix `ST' = J(2*`nvar', 2*`nvar', 0)
        tempvar x1 x2
        gen double `x1' = 1 if `touse'
        gen double `x2' = `flist' if `touse'
        // Process each observation to build DT
        local xTx11_sum = 0
        local xTx12_sum = 0
        local xTx22_sum = 0
        qui forvalues t = 1/`T' {
            local x1t = `x1'[`t']
            local x2t = `x2'[`t']
            local xTx11_sum = `xTx11_sum' + `x1t'*`x1t'
            local xTx12_sum = `xTx12_sum' + `x1t'*`x2t'
            local xTx22_sum = `xTx22_sum' + `x2t'*`x2t'
        // Fill DT matrix (sum of IN⊗xtxt')
        forvalues i = 1/`nvar' {
            forvalues j = 1/`nvar' {
                if `i'==`j' {
                    matrix `DT'[2*`i'-1,2*`j'-1] = `xTx11_sum'
                    matrix `DT'[2*`i'-1,2*`j'] = `xTx12_sum'
                    matrix `DT'[2*`i',2*`j'-1] = `xTx12_sum'
                    matrix `DT'[2*`i',2*`j'] = `xTx22_sum'
        // Fill ST matrix based on equation (22): sum of êtêt'⊗xtxt'
        forvalues i = 1/`nvar' {
            forvalues j = 1/`nvar' {
                tempvar p11 p12 p21 p22
                gen double `p11' = `res_`i''*`res_`j''*`x1'*`x1' if `touse'
                gen double `p12' = `res_`i''*`res_`j''*`x1'*`x2' if `touse'
                gen double `p21' = `res_`i''*`res_`j''*`x2'*`x1' if `touse'
                gen double `p22' = `res_`i''*`res_`j''*`x2'*`x2' if `touse'
                qui sum `p11' if `touse'
                matrix `ST'[2*`i'-1,2*`j'-1] = r(sum)
                qui sum `p12' if `touse'
                matrix `ST'[2*`i'-1,2*`j'] = r(sum)
                qui sum `p21' if `touse'
                matrix `ST'[2*`i',2*`j'-1] = r(sum)
                qui sum `p22' if `touse'
                matrix `ST'[2*`i',2*`j'] = r(sum)
        // Now divide both matrices by T
        matrix `DT' = `DT'/`T'
        matrix `ST' = `ST'/`T'
        // Create selection matrix R = IN ⊗ (1 0)
        tempname R
        matrix `R' = J(`nvar', 2*`nvar', 0)
        forvalues i = 1/`nvar' {
            forvalues j = 1/`nvar' {
                if `i' == `j' {
                    matrix `R'[`i', 2*`j'-1] = 1  // 1 in first column
                    matrix `R'[`i', 2*`j'] = 0    // 0 in second column
        // Get alpha vector: α = R𝛿
        tempname alpha
        matrix `alpha' = `R'*`delta'
        // Calculate test statistic
        tempname DTST DTD RDTDR phi1
        matrix `DTST' = `DT''*syminv(`ST')
        matrix `DTD' = `DTST'*`DT'
        matrix `RDTDR' = `R'*syminv(`DTD')*`R''
        matrix `phi1' = ((`T'-`nvar'-1)/`T')*`alpha''*syminv(`RDTDR')*`alpha'
        // Store and display results
        ereturn clear
        ereturn scalar chi2 = `phi1'[1,1]
        ereturn scalar df = `nvar'
        ereturn scalar p = chi2tail(`nvar', `phi1'[1,1])
        ereturn scalar N = `T'
        di as txt _n "GMM test of mean-variance efficiency"
        di as txt "Chi2(" as res `nvar' as txt ") = " as res %8.4f `phi1'[1,1]
        di as txt "Prob > chi2 = " as res %8.4f chi2tail(`nvar', `phi1'[1,1])
    I would greatly appreciate it if any expert could spare some time to help identify and correct the issue. Thank you!

    Note that some data can be found here: ado file for gmm wald test? - Statalist
    Last edited by River Huang; 02 Dec 2024, 07:57.
    Ho-Chuan (River) Huang
    Stata 17.0, MP(4)