I’ve estimated a cross-section OLS model for the European countries with data collected for the 2020 year, the year of the covid. I’m intrested to see how the pandemic has affected entrepreneurship. Therefore in the model my dep var is the change in the number of new firms compared to the previous year and my regressors are the number of people infected by the covid (to measure the severity of the pandemic in the country) and a variable that measure the level of gdp or economic development:
Firms = beta_1*covid + beta2*gdp + …
the estimated coefficients Beta1 is negative while beta2 is positive.
I then added an intercation term (beta_3) *( covid * gdp) to see if better economic conditions has moderated the negative impact of the covid on new firms. Beta_3 is negative, however beta_1 flips sign and become unexpectedly positive. To assess the impact of covid on firms (beta_1 + beta_3 *gdp) I used margins and compute dydx over possible values of gdp (coefficient were all statisticaly significant). This tells me that for high values of gdp the impact of covid on Firms is negative, however the impact of covid on Firms is positive for low values of gdp which is hard to understand. It means that the pandemic had a positive impact on the creation of new firms in those countries less economically developped. But the rate of growth of new firms was negative in all the countries.
Is the interpretation of the estimation correct?
I’ve estimated a cross-section OLS model for the European countries with data collected for the 2020 year, the year of the covid. I’m intrested to see how the pandemic has affected entrepreneurship. Therefore in the model my dep var is the change in the number of new firms compared to the previous year and my regressors are the number of people infected by the covid (to measure the severity of the pandemic in the country) and a variable that measure the level of gdp or economic development:
Firms = beta_1*covid + beta2*gdp + …
the estimated coefficients Beta1 is negative while beta2 is positive.
I then added an intercation term (beta_3) *( covid * gdp) to see if better economic conditions has moderated the negative impact of the covid on new firms. Beta_3 is negative, however beta_1 flips sign and become unexpectedly positive. To assess the impact of covid on firms (beta_1 + beta_3 *gdp) I used margins and compute dydx over possible values of gdp (coefficient were all statisticaly significant). This tells me that for high values of gdp the impact of covid on Firms is negative, however the impact of covid on Firms is positive for low values of gdp which is hard to understand. It means that the pandemic had a positive impact on the creation of new firms in those countries less economically developped. But the rate of growth of new firms was negative in all the countries.
Is the interpretation of the estimation correct?