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welcome to this forum.
Please read (and act on) the FAQ to post more effectively. Thanks.
That said, take a lool at the -xt- suite of commands and get back to the list with more details about what you're dealing with.
Thanks, Carlo Sir. I have another quarry.
I had run dynamic panel data using Xtabond2 command. For ensuring the validity of the model can I rely upon "Arellano-Bond test for AR(3) in first differences" instead of "Arellano-Bond test for AR(2) in first differences" and "Hansen Test" results?
I haven't found any FAQs regarding this yet.
I'm not familiar with dynamic panel data regression.
See Jeff Wooldridge and Sebastian Kripfganz 's posts.
More substantively, please call me Carlo, as all on (and many more off) this list do. Thanks.