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  • Creating a single table of multiple variables with identical categories using table and collect

    I'm trying to create a table of multiple variables with identical response categories but can't get it the way I want using collect commands so I am resorting to manipulating the data instead. I would like to figure out how to do it with collect commands. Any suggestions? Thanks.
    clear all
    input x1 x2 x3
    1 1 1
    2 2 2
    3 1 3
    1 1 2
    2 2 1
    label define rating 1 "Meh" 2 "Good" 3 "Super"
    label value x1-x3 rating
    label var x1 "Pineapple on Pizza"
    label var x2 "Manchester United"
    label var x3 "SPSS"
    /*** I can get this table
    . table (var), statistic(fvpercent x1 x2 x3) statistic(fvfrequency x1 x2 x3)
                             |  Factor-variable percent   Factor-variable frequency
    Pineapple on Pizza=Meh   |                    40.00                           2
    Pineapple on Pizza=Good  |                    40.00                           2
    Pineapple on Pizza=Super |                    20.00                           1
    Manchester United=Meh    |                    60.00                           3
    Manchester United=Good   |                    40.00                           2
    SPSS=Meh                 |                    40.00                           2
    SPSS=Good                |                    40.00                           2
    SPSS=Super               |                    20.00                           1
    But I want to produce this table:
                         |               Response            
                         |     Meh         Good       Super  
                         |      %   N       %   N       %   N
    Item Rated           |                                   
      Pineapple on Pizza |  40.00   2   40.00   2   20.00   1
      Manchester United  |  60.00   3   40.00   2            
      SPSS               |  40.00   2   40.00   2   20.00   1
    *** Here is my workaround:
    *** loop over variables and create a table for each one
    *** would like to avoid creating a temporary variable but
    *** that is my solution to combining them into a single dimension
    *** I would like to find a way to do it after the collect combine instead
    collect clear
    foreach var of varlist x1-x3 {
    capture drop _var
    gen _var = `var'
    local val : value label `var'
    label value _var "`val'"
    table () (var) , statistic(fvpercent _var) statistic(fvfrequency _var)
    collect rename Table `var'
    ** Combine the tables
    collect combine New = x1 x2 x3
    *** copy the variable labels to the collection labels
    foreach var of varlist x1 x2 x3 {
    local vlab: var label `var'
    collect label levels collection `var' "`vlab'"
    collect label levels result fvfrequency "N" fvpercent "%", modify
    collect label dim _var "Response"
    collect label dim collection "Item Rated"
    collect layout (collection) (_var#result)

  • #2
    Not your question, but tabm from tab_chi on SSC can do this:

    Stata 8.2 required.

    clear all
    input x1 x2 x3
    1 1 1
    2 2 2
    3 1 3
    1 1 2
    2 2 1
    label define rating 1 "Meh" 2 "Good" 3 "Super"
    label value x1-x3 rating
    label var x1 "Pineapple on Pizza"
    label var x2 "Manchester United"
    label var x3 "SPSS"
    . tabm x? 
                       |              values
              variable |       Meh       Good      Super |     Total
    Pineapple on Pizza |         2          2          1 |         5 
     Manchester United |         3          2          0 |         5 
                  SPSS |         2          2          1 |         5 
                 Total |         7          6          2 |        15 
    . tabm x?, row
    | Key            |
    |   frequency    |
    | row percentage |
                       |              values
              variable |       Meh       Good      Super |     Total
    Pineapple on Pizza |         2          2          1 |         5 
                       |     40.00      40.00      20.00 |    100.00 
     Manchester United |         3          2          0 |         5 
                       |     60.00      40.00       0.00 |    100.00 
                  SPSS |         2          2          1 |         5 
                       |     40.00      40.00      20.00 |    100.00 
                 Total |         7          6          2 |        15 
                       |     46.67      40.00      13.33 |    100.00 
    . tabm x?, row col
    | Key               |
    |     frequency     |
    |  row percentage   |
    | column percentage |
                       |              values
              variable |       Meh       Good      Super |     Total
    Pineapple on Pizza |         2          2          1 |         5 
                       |     40.00      40.00      20.00 |    100.00 
                       |     28.57      33.33      50.00 |     33.33 
     Manchester United |         3          2          0 |         5 
                       |     60.00      40.00       0.00 |    100.00 
                       |     42.86      33.33       0.00 |     33.33 
                  SPSS |         2          2          1 |         5 
                       |     40.00      40.00      20.00 |    100.00 
                       |     28.57      33.33      50.00 |     33.33 
                 Total |         7          6          2 |        15 
                       |     46.67      40.00      13.33 |    100.00 
                       |    100.00     100.00     100.00 |    100.00


    • #3
      You can either reshape your data (temporarily).
      clear all
      input x1 x2 x3
      1 1 1
      2 2 2
      3 1 3
      1 1 2
      2 2 1
      label define rating 1 "Meh" 2 "Good" 3 "Super"
      label value x1-x3 rating
      label var x1 "Pineapple on Pizza"
      label var x2 "Manchester United"
      label var x3 "SPSS"
      * temporarily reshape the data
      * data is in wide format, so define an observation identifier, then
      * reshape to long format
      gen id = _n
      reshape long x, i(id) j(item)
      * define some value/variable labels for -table- to pick up
      label define item ///
          1 "Pineapple on Pizza" ///
          2 "Manchester United" ///
          3 "SPSS" 
      label value item item
      label var item "Item rated"
      label var x "Response"
      * predefine your custom result labels
      collect label levels result fvpercent "%" fvfrequency "N"
      collect label save mylabs, replace
      * perform the calculations and arrange them as requested
      table (item) (var result), ///
          stat(fvpercent x)  ///
          stat(fvfrequency x) ///
          label(mylabs) ///
      * restore original data
      This yields the table.
                           |               Response
                           |     Meh         Good       Super
                           |      %   N       %   N       %   N
      Item rated           |
        Pineapple on Pizza |  40.00   2   40.00   2   20.00   1
        Manchester United  |  60.00   3   40.00   2    0.00   0
        SPSS               |  40.00   2   40.00   2   20.00   1

      Or manipulate the tags attached to the items in the collection produced by your original call to table.
      clear all
      input x1 x2 x3
      1 1 1
      2 2 2
      3 1 3
      1 1 2
      2 2 1
      label define rating 1 "Meh" 2 "Good" 3 "Super"
      label value x1-x3 rating
      label var x1 "Pineapple on Pizza"
      label var x2 "Manchester United"
      label var x3 "SPSS"
      table (var), statistic(fvpercent x1 x2 x3) statistic(fvfrequency x1 x2 x3)
      * add new tag elemens for a rating dimension
      collect addtags rating[Meh], fortags(var[1.x1 1.x2 1.x3])
      collect addtags rating[Good], fortags(var[2.x1 2.x2 2.x3])
      collect addtags rating[Super], fortags(var[3.x1 3.x2 3.x3])
      collect label dim rating "Response"
      * add new tag elements for the items rated dimension
      collect addtags item["Pineapple on Pizza"], fortags(var[i.x1])
      collect addtags item["Manchester United"], fortags(var[i.x2])
      collect addtags item["SPSS"], fortags(var[i.x3])
      collect label dim item "Item rated"
      * custom result labels
      collect label levels result fvpercent "%" fvfrequency "N", modify
      collect layout (item) (rating#result)
      This yields the table.
                           |               Response
                           |     Meh         Good       Super
                           |      %   N       %   N       %   N
      Item rated           |
        Pineapple on Pizza |  40.00   2   40.00   2   20.00   1
        Manchester United  |  60.00   3   40.00   2
        SPSS               |  40.00   2   40.00   2   20.00   1
      Here is some extra code to fill in for empty cells.
      collect style cell result[fvpercent], empty(0.00)
      collect style cell result[fvfrequency], empty(0)
      collect preview
      This yields the following table.
                           |               Response
                           |     Meh         Good       Super
                           |      %   N       %   N       %   N
      Item rated           |
        Pineapple on Pizza |  40.00   2   40.00   2   20.00   1
        Manchester United  |  60.00   3   40.00   2    0.00   0
        SPSS               |  40.00   2   40.00   2   20.00   1


      • #4
        Nick thanks I appreciate the response. However in our work flow I need to get my output into a Word Doc in a table.
        Jeff thanks the fortags is what I need but I am having a hard time understanding the concept. Your example will help me work through it.

