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  • Export table to excel

    Hi all,

    I am trying to navigate how to export a table to excel. This code works correctly to create the tables I want and even correctly creates a new sheets with each manufacturer, but does not actually paste the table. I have tried this a few different ways. Any ideas?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 8.37.10 PM.png
Views:	1
Size:	112.7 KB
ID:	1768167

  • #2
    Also, I get a "using not allowed" error when I tried putexcel.... using "filename"


    • #3
      I almost never use putexcel but I think I can answer #2. The point of putexcel set is to specify the destination file, so no other putexcel subcommand either needs or allows a using specification.


      • #4
        Is there a better command than putexcel? To get table results into excel?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Caroline Calogero View Post
          This code works correctly to create the tables I want and even correctly creates a new sheets with each manufacturer, but does not actually paste the table.
          You don't mention it, but you must be using an older version of Stata, because table hasn't allowed that syntax for the last two releases.

          Regardless, I think that table doesn't store any results in an r(table) matrix and so that matrix will be empty when you try to export it to Excel with your code. That would explain why your code is producing the worksheets, but isn't pasting anything into them.

          Originally posted by Caroline Calogero View Post
          Is there a better command than putexcel? To get table results into excel?
          You could try something like that below. Begin at the "Begin here" comment; the code above is just to produce an example dataset that I imagine resembles yours.
          version 18.0 // <= substitute your version of Stata here
          clear *
          // seedem
          set seed 1494640909
          quietly set obs 2
          generate byte mnf = _n
          quietly expand 2
          generate byte customer = _n
          quietly expand 5
          generate byte product = _n
          generate double share = runiform()
          * Begin here
          set type double
          collapse (mean) share, by(mnf customer product)
          quietly levelsof mnf, local(mnfs)
          foreach mnf of local mnfs {
              quietly export excel customer product share ///
                  using "`c(pwd)'`c(dirsep)'Revenue Shares.xlsx" if mnf == `mnf', ///
                      sheet(Manufacturer_`mnf') firstrow(variables)
          restore // not actually necessary, but for the sake of completeness


          • #6
            If your Stata is older than Stata 17, then your best solution is given by Joseph in #5. Either way, if you choose to use collapse and export excel, then you will need some extra work to get the marginal means and arrange the sheets into two-way tables.

            If you have access to Stata 17 or newer, then it is possible to publish the separate two-way tables, with marginal means, to Excel using the updated table command and the new collect suite.
            * simulate some data
            set seed 1494640909
            quietly set obs 2
            generate byte mnf = _n
            quietly expand 2
            bysort mnf: generate byte customer = _n
            quietly expand 5
            bysort mnf customer: generate byte product = _n
            generate double share = runiform()
            * build the tables -- the parens mean:
            * rows indexed by customer,
            * columns indexed by product,
            * tables indexed by mnf,
            table (customer) (product) (mnf), statistic(mean share)
            * get the row and column specifications for arranging/exporting each
            * table to a separate worksheet
            collect layout
            local rowspec = s(rows)
            local colspec = s(columns)
            * get the levels for the individual tables
            collect levels mnf
            local levels = s(levels)
            * start with a new file
            local modify replace
            foreach l of local levels {
                * arrange a specific table for export
                collect layout (`rowspec') (`colspec') (mnf[`l'])
                * the "Total" level is coded as ".m"
                if missing(`l') {
                    local sheet Manufacturer_Total
                else    local sheet Manufacturer_`l'
                * export to a specific sheet
                collect export "Revenue Shares.xlsx", sheet(`sheet') `modify'
                * update the file after exporting the first sheet
                local modify modify
            Here is a screen-shot of the Numbers application on my Mac.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-11-24 at 11.37.58 AM.png
Views:	1
Size:	58.2 KB
ID:	1768216

