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  • Interpretation of coefficients


    I have an experiment design like this:
    - At the village level: 20 people receive treatment 1
    - Within the 20 people, I randomly selected 10 to give them treatment 2

    I estimate the treatment effect using this formula:
    Y= a*T1i + b*T2ij
    T1i: Treatment 1 at village i
    T2ij: treatment 2 of individual j in village i

    Obviously those who receive T2 also get T1.

    In my data, I have two variables treat1 and treat2. treat1=1 for all receiving T1, and 0 otherwise, and treat2=1 for all receiving treatment 2 (and for these observations, their treat1=1 as well).

    My question is, how can I interpret a and b. Is it true that a is the treatment effect of treatment 1 compared to the control, and b is the treatment effect of treatment 2 compared to the control. Or a is the treatment effect of treatment 1 and treatment 2 altogther, because half of the group who receive T1 also receive T2?

    Thank you for your help.

  • #2
    You can work this out with a little algebra. First, your equation is incomplete, as it lacks a constant term.

    For those who receive neither treatment, their expected outcome is E(Y|no treatment) = cons + a*0 + b*0 = cons
    For those who receive treatment 1 only, their expected outcome is E(Y|T1 only) = cons + a*1 + b*0 = a + cons.
    For those who receive treatment 2 and treatment 1, the expected outcome is E(Y|T1 & T2) = cons + a*1 + b*1 = a + b + cons.

    Subtract the first equation from the second to get:
    E(Y|T1 only) - E(Y|no treatment) = a.

    Subtract the second equation from the third to get:
    E(Y|T1 & T2) - E(Y|T1 only) = b.

    So a is the difference between Y with T1 and Y from no treatment And b is the difference between T1&T2 and T1 only. The difference between T2 and no treatment is not estimable in this study.


    • #3
      Thank you. It is super clear and very simple to look at things.

