Hi ,
I am doing bootstrap on different sets using the follow code:
forval i = 1/50 {
use "Z:\PCTU\HEALTH ECONOMICS\SCENE\HE analysis\full_database\missing_Imputation\P `i'.dta", clear
bootstrap bootsdiff_cost=(delta_cost) bootsdiff_qaly=(delta_qaly), reps(20) seed(12345) saving(filec`i', replace): test
I am getting different filec files for different values of i, and each should contain 20 different pairs. However, I notice that the first pair is different, but from the second pair onward, the results are repeated. It seems that only two samples are being taken with variation, and for the other resamplings, the results are identical. This might be related to the seed or some other issue. Could you please guide me?
I am doing bootstrap on different sets using the follow code:
forval i = 1/50 {
use "Z:\PCTU\HEALTH ECONOMICS\SCENE\HE analysis\full_database\missing_Imputation\P `i'.dta", clear
bootstrap bootsdiff_cost=(delta_cost) bootsdiff_qaly=(delta_qaly), reps(20) seed(12345) saving(filec`i', replace): test
I am getting different filec files for different values of i, and each should contain 20 different pairs. However, I notice that the first pair is different, but from the second pair onward, the results are repeated. It seems that only two samples are being taken with variation, and for the other resamplings, the results are identical. This might be related to the seed or some other issue. Could you please guide me?