I've followed the instructions here: https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...gory-bar-chart.
But I end up with the single differently colored bar moved slightly to the right, creating a white gap in the chart to the left of that bar. I've attached a pic.
Any ideas as to what is happening?
import delimited using "$wake/Muni-NonMuni_LandArea2023.csv", clear
drop if county == "North Carolina"
destring totallandarea, replace
sort totallandarea
gen x = _n
separate totallandarea, by(county == "Wake")
graph bar totallandarea0 totallandarea1, over(x, lab(nolab)) b1title("North Carolina counties") ///
bar(1, color(red)) bar(2, color(black)) ytitle("Size in square miles") legend(off)
But I end up with the single differently colored bar moved slightly to the right, creating a white gap in the chart to the left of that bar. I've attached a pic.
Any ideas as to what is happening?
import delimited using "$wake/Muni-NonMuni_LandArea2023.csv", clear
drop if county == "North Carolina"
destring totallandarea, replace
sort totallandarea
gen x = _n
separate totallandarea, by(county == "Wake")
graph bar totallandarea0 totallandarea1, over(x, lab(nolab)) b1title("North Carolina counties") ///
bar(1, color(red)) bar(2, color(black)) ytitle("Size in square miles") legend(off)