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  • Interacting Fixed Effects

    Dear Professors,

    I would greatly appreciate your advice on the estimation strategy I intend to use for my analysis.

    I'm working with a dataset that contains observations for different industries in the same country across multiple points in time. Specifically, I have data for 7 industrial sectors, with aggregate observations for each sector spanning 24 years. My initial specification is as follows:

    yst = xst β + θs + ξt + ust

    with s=1,...,7 and t=1,...,24. Here, xst is a row vector of controls, and θs and ξt denote sector and time fixed effects, respectively.

    I am considering using the two-way fixed effects (TWFE) estimator, but I have two concerns that I would like your input on:

    i) My current specification assumes that shocks affect all industries uniformly over time. Would it be advisable to relax this assumption and instead estimate a model with interacted fixed effects, such as: yst = xst β + θs * ξt + ust ;
    ii) The time dimension in my dataset is large relative to the cross-sectional dimension (industries). Is that a problem?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

  • #2
    i) if you use the -fe- estimator, I would nit relax that assumption;
    ii) the issue here i9s ti switch from -xtreg,fe- (I assume that yiu dependent variable is continuous, to -xtregar,fe-m as you are dealing with a T>N panel dataset.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Dear Professor Lazzaro,
      thank you for your reply and your advice. The dependent variable is continuous. If I may ask out of curiosity, is it an issue to use xtreg when T > N ? Additionally, could you explain the difference between xtreg and xtregard for the TWFE estimator, which I plan to use in my case?
      Thank you very much for your time!


      • #4
        Frank (please call me Carlo):
        1) when T>N, the are issues to deal with (say, AR) that do not creep up when N>T.
        2) if you want to go two-way -fe- with -xtregar,fe-, you may want to take a look at the following toy-example:
        . webuse grunfeld
        . xtset company time
        Panel variable: company (strongly balanced)
         Time variable: time, 1 to 20
                 Delta: 1 unit
        . xtregar invest mvalue kstock i.year, fe
        FE (within) regression with AR(1) disturbances  Number of obs     =        190
        Group variable: company                         Number of groups  =         10
        R-squared:                                      Obs per group:
             Within  = 0.6513                                         min =         19
             Between = 0.7838                                         avg =       19.0
             Overall = 0.7798                                         max =         19
                                                        F(20,160)         =      14.94
        corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.1416                         Prob > F          =     0.0000
              invest | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
              mvalue |   .0938865   .0104378     8.99   0.000     .0732729    .1145001
              kstock |   .4076907   .0373936    10.90   0.000      .333842    .4815393
                year |
               1936  |   22.60707   15.23516     1.48   0.140    -7.480873    52.69502
               1937  |   29.02835   20.63253     1.41   0.161    -11.71886    69.77557
               1938  |   32.19837   23.69301     1.36   0.176    -14.59298    78.98973
               1939  |   17.30833   25.51947     0.68   0.499    -33.09011    67.70676
               1940  |   50.88403   27.01934     1.88   0.061    -2.476513    104.2446
               1941  |   79.24101   27.76837     2.85   0.005     24.40121    134.0808
               1942  |   73.97942   28.25514     2.62   0.010      18.1783    129.7805
               1943  |   56.66199   28.31439     2.00   0.047     .7438482    112.5801
               1944  |   58.95475   28.56968     2.06   0.041     2.532449     115.377
               1945  |   49.74642   28.40551     1.75   0.082    -6.351667    105.8445
               1946  |   75.78518   28.05301     2.70   0.008     20.38324    131.1871
               1947  |   57.76681   26.94116     2.14   0.034     4.560676    110.9729
               1948  |   51.01013   26.04522     1.96   0.052    -.4266119    102.4469
               1949  |   20.19058   24.97134     0.81   0.420    -29.12536    69.50651
               1950  |   18.35979   23.75434     0.77   0.441     -28.5527    65.27228
               1951  |   36.28607   21.77871     1.67   0.098    -6.724731    79.29688
               1952  |   32.36863   18.82811     1.72   0.088    -4.815034    69.55229
               1953  |   30.71474   14.03026     2.19   0.030     3.006356    58.42313
               1954  |          0  (omitted)
               _cons |  -124.2761   10.59512   -11.73   0.000    -145.2004   -103.3518
              rho_ar |  .68127018
             sigma_u |  96.029876
             sigma_e |  39.732352
             rho_fov |  .85383317   (fraction of variance because of u_i)
        F test that all u_i=0: F(9,160) = 12.27                      Prob > F = 0.0000
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          Thanks, Carlo

