I am trying to understand better the relationship of a quadratic term and the dependent variable. Unfortunately, I am having trouble with the margins command even after forcing an estimation with noestimcheck. Any idea what could be the problem?
The resulting output being the below mostly empty margins table.
I am trying to understand better the relationship of a quadratic term and the dependent variable. Unfortunately, I am having trouble with the margins command even after forcing an estimation with noestimcheck. Any idea what could be the problem?
* Regression for full sample reghdfe fouls_rate c.abs_crew_mean_diff##c.abs_crew_mean_diff $controls [aw=min], absorb(player_year gameid) vce(cluster player_year gameid) margins, at(abs_crew_mean_diff = (0(5)30)) noestimcheck
The resulting output being the below mostly empty margins table.
. margins, at(abs_crew_mean_diff = (0(5)30)) noestimcheck warning: variance matrix is nonsymmetric or highly singular. Predictive margins Number of obs = 80,324 Model VCE: Robust Expression: Linear prediction, predict() 1._at: abs_crew_mean_~f = 0 2._at: abs_crew_mean_~f = 5 3._at: abs_crew_mean_~f = 10 4._at: abs_crew_mean_~f = 15 5._at: abs_crew_mean_~f = 20 6._at: abs_crew_mean_~f = 25 7._at: abs_crew_mean_~f = 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Delta-method | Margin std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- _at | 1 | 3.679857 . . . . . 2 | 3.720406 . . . . . 3 | 3.717581 . . . . . 4 | 3.671381 . . . . . 5 | 3.581808 . . . . . 6 | 3.44886 . . . . . 7 | 3.272538 . . . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .