Dear everyone,
I am currently facing issues regarding the interpretation of time constant coefficients in a CRE model, as the research I conducted suggests that time constant variables are measured in CRE as between (BE) estimates and that these coefficients are in most cases substantively of no interest. Although I am particularly interested in the time-constant variable "green" as you can see in my output. Can I interpret this coefficient similar to FE or OLS estimates?
As side note, I performed Hausman on my data which led me to FE model, although then my green_dummy gets omitted bc of being time invariant, so I performed estat mundlak and this test being positiv led me to performing xtreg,cre.
I am currently facing issues regarding the interpretation of time constant coefficients in a CRE model, as the research I conducted suggests that time constant variables are measured in CRE as between (BE) estimates and that these coefficients are in most cases substantively of no interest. Although I am particularly interested in the time-constant variable "green" as you can see in my output. Can I interpret this coefficient similar to FE or OLS estimates?
As side note, I performed Hausman on my data which led me to FE model, although then my green_dummy gets omitted bc of being time invariant, so I performed estat mundlak and this test being positiv led me to performing xtreg,cre.