I have banks panel data of 18 countries and want to run xtreg fixed effect with i.countryType (Developed, Emerging, Frontier) and i.year. I go fine with i.year but omit the results of countryType (i.countryType) variable. I run the following two commands but face the same results:
xtreg Y X controls i.countryType i.year, fe
xtreg Y X controls Dev Emer Frnt i.year, fe (Dev=1 if countries are developed; Emer=1 if countries are Emerging; Frnt=1 if countries are Frontier else 0 for all three columns)
but the simple regression goes well and produce the results, I mean Stata does not omit the i.countryType and give results:
reg Y X controls i.countryType i.year
xtreg Y X controls i.countryType i.year, fe
xtreg Y X controls Dev Emer Frnt i.year, fe (Dev=1 if countries are developed; Emer=1 if countries are Emerging; Frnt=1 if countries are Frontier else 0 for all three columns)
but the simple regression goes well and produce the results, I mean Stata does not omit the i.countryType and give results:
reg Y X controls i.countryType i.year