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  • Strange Watermark in Plot

    One of my students submitted a plot in a paper with this strange watermark at the bottom right.
    Doesn't seem to be something StataCorp would tolerate in their default graphics.... and quite the odd one, at that. But I use Stata 17, so I don't know why this would be here, and one never seen it before. Is this potential plagiarism? I can't imagine where this could come from or why, unless StataCorp added the "funnywatermark" option to plots without telling us.
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  • #2
    From the main menu in Stata, select Graphics, and in the Graph preferences window that opens, select the Printer tab. Unclick "Print logo" to make the Stata logo disappear. I'm pretty sure this option has been there since more or less forever.


    • #3
      Hmmm... "well I'll be diggered", as grandmother always says. I've never seen this in... 8 years?, of using Stata. But, at least that explains it!!!!!!

