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  • Xthybrid along with survey weights?

    I'm trying to incorporate survey weights with the xthybrid command, it is possible to incorporate the survey weights with the meglmoptions command?

  • #2
    No, in Stata syntax the term options refers specifically to the things that appear after the comma that follows the main part of the command. Weights, survey or otherwise, appear in square brackets before the comma. I think in order to do this you will need to create your own de-meaned variables and then write the -meglm- command that corresponds to your desired correlated random effects or Mundlak model and run that directly. -meglm- does, of course, allow pweights. Note also that if you are working with survey data, it is not sufficient to just use the weights if the survey design also incorporated stratification and primary sampling units. You need to fully account for the design effects, and that means using the -svyset- command and then using -svy: meglm...-.

