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  • Seeking Advice: Modeling Regional Time-Varying Effects in a Multilevel Framework

    Dear all, I am working with a panel dataset for regions, and I want to predict the effect of x1 over y1 for different regions (id) and study how this is changing over time (the plan is to use this in a second model). For that I use a multilevel model with a random coefficient for x1 at the regional level (see below), in which x1 is demeaned to study within variation. After that, I use the fixed and the predicted random effect for x1 to come with the desired measure. However, that gives a time invariant prediction (fixed for each region), since none of the fixed x1 coefficient or random x1 coefficient vary with time.

    So, I am asking advice on how to let this effect to change with time. These are my current ideas:
    1. I could go for a multilevel model with random coefficient for x1, and repeat that model for each year. However, that would be a between regions analysis in each year (instead of a within one, right?).
    2. I could use a random coefficient for x1, not only for regional level, but also for time level. Even though my years are from 2006-2022, in fact it would less since I use 5 years lagged indep. variables, and I am not sure if with these number of years (11), a random coefficient for time lelvel would remain its properties.
    3. I could interact in the fixed part of the model x1*i.years and put each interaction as random coefficients for the regional level (but would be an endless estimation since I am talking about 11 coefficients in the random part). I tried this for more than a week and nothing came out.
    Are any of those ideas, a plausible solution to my problem?

    If not, is there any other way (not necessarily within the multilevel framework) I could obtain this effect differently for regions in each year? Below there is a small data example.

    Thanks in advance.

    Iteration 122: log pseudolikelihood =  -10258.05  
    Iteration 123: log pseudolikelihood =  -10258.05  
    Mixed-effects nbinomial regression              Number of obs     =      3,006
    Overdispersion:            mean
    Group variable:              id                 Number of groups  =        254
                                                    Obs per group:
                                                                  min =          4
                                                                  avg =       11.8
                                                                  max =         12
    Integration method: mvaghermite                 Integration pts.  =         15
                                                    Wald chi2(17)     =      67.13
    Log pseudolikelihood =  -10258.05               Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
                                           (Std. Err. adjusted for 254 clusters in id)
                     |               Robust
                  y1 |     exp(b)   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                  x1 |
                 L5. |   1.044958   .0216087     2.13   0.033     1.003453     1.08818
                  x2 |
                 L5. |   1.000673   .0130966     0.05   0.959      .975331    1.026674
                  x3 |
                 L5. |   .9796073   .0149627    -1.35   0.177     .9507155    1.009377
                  x4 |
                 L5. |   .9918395   .0124067    -0.66   0.512     .9678185    1.016457
                  x5 |
                 L5. |   1.003104   .0163533     0.19   0.849     .9715582    1.035673
                  x6 |
                 L5. |   1.016806   .0103273     1.64   0.101     .9967654     1.03725
                year |
               2006  |          1  (empty)
               2007  |          1  (empty)
               2008  |          1  (empty)
               2009  |          1  (empty)
               2010  |          1  (empty)
               2011  |   .8308796   .0507725    -3.03   0.002     .7370956    .9365962
               2012  |   .9199021   .0503215    -1.53   0.127      .826377    1.024012
               2013  |   .9671356   .0469571    -0.69   0.491     .8793447    1.063691
               2014  |   .9498539   .0480901    -1.02   0.310     .8601246    1.048944
               2015  |   .9521785   .0425776    -1.10   0.273     .8722802    1.039395
               2016  |    .945086   .0369091    -1.45   0.148     .8754448    1.020267
               2017  |   .9209528   .0349554    -2.17   0.030     .8549278    .9920769
               2018  |   .9709001   .0346993    -0.83   0.409     .9052181    1.041348
               2019  |   .9962854   .0321001    -0.12   0.908     .9353156    1.061229
               2020  |   1.015637   .0270911     0.58   0.561     .9639033    1.070147
               2021  |   1.015463   .0202364     0.77   0.441     .9765646     1.05591
               2022  |          1  (omitted)
               _cons |   17.93158    1.77702    29.13   0.000     14.76606    21.77573
            /lnalpha |  -3.738889   .1233591                     -3.980668   -3.497109
    id               |
           var(L5.x1)|   .0274824   .0060578                      .0178414    .0423332
           var(_cons)|   2.360432   .2013258                      1.997059    2.789923
    id               |
     cov(L5.x1,_cons)|  -.0466977   .0299401    -1.56   0.119    -.1053793    .0119839
    Note: Estimates are transformed only in the first equation.
    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input int year float(id y1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
    2006 1  5  -1.7775646   2.723891  -1.2291875  -1.7063985  -1.5368623  2.4518554
    2007 1  5  -1.2202544    1.45774           .  -1.0336447  -1.3795106   .8769412
    2008 1  8   -.7455087   .3915077  -1.3092277   -.9709182  -1.1481309  -.8411472
    2009 1  9   -.8487142  -1.074562           .  -1.4221123   -.9250329 -2.1297135
    2010 1  9    -.807432 -1.2744807  -1.2291875  -1.0288475   -.7678502  -.9843215
    2011 1  7   -.0849928  -.6080854  -.50882643   -.4270809   -.5917379 .017897163
    2012 1  9    .1420595 -.07496897  -.26870614  -.09886736  -.41342854  .59059274
    2013 1 11    -.642303  .12494913 -.028585836    .1738537  -.27517536 -.12527741
    2014 1 12   -.1881984  -.2748877   -.1886661    .2016169    -.134725  -.6979733
    2015 1  7  -.06435169  .05830998  -.10862587   .29352987   .16916154  -.2684513
    2016 1  8   .05949503   .4581468   -.1886661    .5043921     .472203 .017897163
    2017 1  4   .03885391  -.6080854   -.3487464   1.2704383    .6129914 -.12527741
    2018 1  9    .7819343   .3915077   1.0119358   1.4209753    .7389066   .4474188
    2019 1 10    .4103941 -.07496897   1.0919758     1.55902    .8878076   .8769412
    2020 1 13   1.6695024  -.8746439   1.4921764  -.11110864   1.1054972  -.2684513
    2021 1  9   1.6695024  -.7413643    1.812337   .25691786   1.3715247  .16107106
    2022 1  6    1.607579          .           .    1.118244   1.8143405          .
    2006 2 20  -1.9668324   2.536081   -1.357809  -2.0436459   -1.413372  2.6546836
    2007 2 29   -.6613229   2.216574   -1.228494   -.9597974    -1.22389  1.2620628
    2008 2 36   -.5426402  .21966097  -1.1638364   -.1650967  -1.0422335  -1.000947
    2009 2 35     .849184  -.8187343  -1.0345212   -.9916811   -.9110399  -1.349102
    2010 2 41   -.2297495  -.6589814   -.9698637   -.9121222   -.8287947  -.8268695
    2011 2 52  -.05712012  -.6589814   -.3879454  -.28500873   -.7207753  -.8268695
    2012 2 39   .09393056 -.09984569  -.12931518   -.3549016   -.6056876    .565752
    2013 2 58  -.58579755 -.25959864  -.12931518   -.3371715   -.4664412  .39167455
    2014 2 55   -.2297495  -.6589814   .06465752   -.1212194   -.2362404  -.3046362
    2015 2 57   -.5642189  -.4193516   .25863037  .016521487   .11909527 -.13055874
    2016 2 56   -.1758028 -.17972177   .06465752    .0959413    .4848315    .565752
    2017 2 49  -.29448548  -.8187343    .4526029    .8584786    .6991033  .04351875
    2018 2 59   -.9094776 -.01996883   1.2931515   1.3341718    .8478919  .04351875
    2019 2 71    .3852426  -.6589814    1.228494   1.8900775   1.0198293  -.6527912
    2020 2 51    .9678667 -.17972177   1.4224665  -.17276284   1.1881568  -.8268695
    2021 2 64    1.658384   .4592908   1.6164395    .6946668   1.3712775  .39167455
    2022 2 57   2.2625868          .           .   1.4535483   1.7182826          .
    2006 3 22   -1.461945   2.505153   -1.311473    .6374172  -1.3114537   2.560008
    2007 3 26   -.7937856  1.9937345  -1.2502964    1.214219  -1.2218945  2.2027972
    2008 3 25   -.5662836  .20376867  -1.2502964    1.229118  -1.1317818  -.4167453
    2009 3 35   -.3920703 -.17979567  -1.1891197    .6612731   -1.042213  -.4167453
    2010 3 38   -.5990766 -.05194079    -1.00559    .9011381   -.9338182   -.059535
    2011 3 44   -.6298202   .0119865   -.3326478   1.2566856   -.8045746   .1786053
    2012 3 50   -.4720034   -.627287  -.21029447    .8686113     -.62142  -.2976753
    2013 3 63   -.6195723  -.9469237   .27911794   .26373556   -.3844877  -.4167453
    2014 3 54   -.6072749 -1.1387058  -.08794144  -.37933505   -.1168786  -.7739556
    2015 3 59   -.6031758  -1.010851    .0955884   -.8147325   .23368683  -.4167453
    2016 3 56   -.1502212  -.3076502    .5238243   -.5586359    .5688137  -.6548856
    2017 3 56   .11417311  -.3076502    .4626478   -.8629529    .8004407  -.4167453
    2018 3 54    .6593583  .39555085   1.3191198   -.1474514    .9431381   .2976753
    2019 3 72    1.040578   .0759141   1.3191198  -.09864163    1.050073  -.4167453
    2020 3 76   1.1901965  -.8190691   1.1967665  -2.2260096   1.1619887  -1.131166
    2021 3 51     1.69644  .20376867    1.441473  -1.2997588   1.2593246   .1786053
    2022 3 53    2.194485          .           .   -.6446698   1.5510553          .
    2006 4  4  -1.5086967   2.365859   -.9710394  -1.5298297  -.10335572   .6588714
    2007 4 10   -.6170927  1.7043376   -.9052062   -.5740887 -.026472345   .8635697
    2008 4  9    -.636063 .013781142   -.9052062   -.3030676 -.014590368  -.8763636
    2009 4 16   -.7878254   -.721243  -1.0368725  -1.3405232    -.314785 -1.3881086
    2010 4 18  -.10489471 -1.3092618  -1.1027057   -.8916544   -.7942577 -2.1045513
    2011 4 29   -.7688551 -.13322355  -.51020706   -.0769716  -1.1290499  -.6716653
    2012 4 30 -.010043235 -.13322355   -.2468744   -.1996927  -1.3562053  -.3646186
    2013 4 17   -.5791521  -.6477403   -.2468744   -.3235072   -1.381367  -.9787125
    2014 4 20   -.4843006  -1.603272  -.11520804  -.23814304  -1.0028912  -.4669675
    2015 4 11  .008927062 -.05972085   -.3127075   -.4089962    -.198761   .2494753
    2016 4 16   -.3515086 -.13322355  -.04937492   -.3687186    .4016283   .6588714
    2017 4 18    .2365706  -.4272329     .279791    .3547538     .474318   .6588714
    2018 4 19  -.44636005 -.20672554   1.5306215   1.0469381    .4505541   .6588714
    2019 4 21    .4452439  .16078654   1.2014556   1.2479932    .5190502   .5565225
    2020 4 21     2.11463  .16078654   1.5964546  .016114943    .7056671  1.1706164
    2021 4 21    1.678313   .9693134   1.7939543   1.1185893   1.2829914  1.3753147
    2022 4 17   1.8111053          .           .    2.470794    2.487614          .
    2006 5 31   -1.749826   2.312512  -1.2208925  -1.4052644  -1.1497936   1.350849
    2007 5 24   -1.010769  1.3875076  -1.0342592   -.4284081  -1.0751946   .7930793
    2008 5 32   -.5142152 -1.0791715  -1.0342592   -.3331871  -1.0174965  -1.438001
    2009 5 40  -.12159124 -1.3875076    -.909837   -1.720246   -.9836946 -1.7168866
    2010 5 39   -.6527883  -.7708373    -.909837   -1.270801   -.9373319  -1.298559
    2011 5 42   -.6758839  -.2569458   -.4121484  -.51357704   -.8440959  -.1830182
    2012 5 66  -.21397334  .15416707  -.34993735 -.020703495   -.7328357  -.4619037
    2013 5 90    -.768266   .3597245   -.1633041   -.2914089   -.5656134  -.8802309
    2014 5 85   -.2255211  1.1819502  -.28772616    -.160464  -.29499415   .3747514
    2015 5 50  -.23706888   .4625032  -.03888193  -.27178133   .13294171   .6536369
    2016 5 58   .59437007  .15416707    .1477513    .1735733   .53458154   .3747514
    2017 5 63  -.39873755  -.6680586    .1477513    .8214886    .7439796  -.6013461
    2018 5 83   .05162521 -.15416707   1.7030284   1.0372539    .8908288  -.1830182
    2019 5 80     .744491  .05139033    1.391973   1.5860833    1.048656   .9325224
    2020 5 90     1.67986 -1.1819502   1.5786064  -.09748574   1.1513892   1.490292
    2021 5 82    1.772242  -.5652799    1.391973   1.1223526   1.3180498   .7930793
    2022 5 64    1.726051          .           .   1.7725903   1.7806556          .
    2006 6 36  -1.8859606   1.116864  -1.1116489  -1.5856335  -1.1080685   .0109135
    2007 6 47   -.8505021   .6644627  -1.0483522   -.8424931  -1.0370687 -.07639617
    2008 6 57   -.3454004  -1.597542  -1.1116489    -.145503   -.9727876 -1.7352732
    2009 6 57 -.067594424  -2.276143   -.9850555   -1.692368   -.9274691 -1.5606548
    2010 6 49  .008170831   -1.29594   -.9850555  -1.0881214   -.9066905 -1.5606548
    2011 6 63  .020798374  -.6173391   -.4786815    -.295721   -.8468712 -1.2987266
    2012 6 63    .1723289 -.16493784   -.4153849   -.2681947   -.7395284 -.07639617
    2013 6 70  -.50955844   .4382628  .027692353  -.10241153  -.59018755   .4474602
    2014 6 76 -.067594424   .4382628  -.09890115 -.020433776   -.3464224   .4474602
    2015 6 86   -.3580279   .8152636   .15428586 -.064035036   .02359635   .7966972
    2016 6 70   .08393609  -.4665396  -.09890115      .12803    .3840948  .09822234
    2017 6 73   -.7873644  .28746194   .15428586    .6092689    .6386773  .53476906
    2018 6 67   -.7242267   .5136633   1.5468142   1.1957577    .8598221   1.233244
    2019 6 95    .8415887  .28746194   1.5468142   1.2844496   1.0752081  1.0586255
    2020 6 92     2.73572   .7398632   1.3569238   -.2151724    1.251735   .9713157

  • #2
    If I understand you correctly, you want to identify effects that vary both over region and over time. I'm assuming that in your data the variable id corresponds to the regions you refer to. In your example data, id and year jointly identify unique observations: this is simple panel data. If that is true in the data as a whole, whether you use fixed or random effects, you are, in essence, asking for effect estimates calculated from and applying to single observations! Either way, this is conceptually not possible. If you attempt it with multi-level modeling most likely the estimation will not converge because the model is probably not identifiable. But if it does converge, the coefficients will be meaningless, and probably have enormously wide confidence intervals.

    Now, if you wanted to consider the possibility of a more structured time variation, such as a linear time trend, you could include c.time in your fixed effects and have a random slope for it at the region level. If you really want to stretch your data to or slightly beyond its limits, you could consider linear and quadratic terms in c.time--but given the small number of time points, made even smaller by the inclusion of lags, I think there aren't enough time points to meaningfully support that level of detail in analysis.

    Another possibility would be to group some of the regions together into larger spatial entities, assuming that can be done in some meaningful way so that these larger entities abstract some kind of relevant similarity among some of the regions, and include these as another random level in the model, over region. Then you could include a random slope for time at this higher spatial level.


    • #3
      Dear Clyde Schechter, thanks for your advices. Yes, here id is for regions. So, from your explanation I understand that my first point in #1 even though if it gives some estimations (see below for year==2012) those are not reliable.

      Following your advice about the linear time trend, that is interesting, since it will give a hint of how the effect of x1 evolve as time pass. But two issues here, first, how could I make this prediction I need? and second, I am having an error as initial values are not feasible (see the last code line below). In fact, I believe I cannot use factor variables in the random part. If that is the case, then I must build the interaction, right?

      About your second suggestion, indeed I can aggregate regions to country level. Let me see if I follow your idea. It would be to include a random coefficient for x1 at regional level, and another random coefficient for years at country level? Some doubts here: first, is year in the fixed part modelled as a linear trend (but without being interacted with x1)? second, is year in the random coefficient for country level, also a linear trend? and most important, from this estimation, how could I get the prediction for something like the effect of x1 varying with time?
      After trying what I understood from your suggestion (maybe this is wrong), I get the same error:
      . menbreg y1 L5.c.x1##c.year L5.c.x2 L5.c.x3 L5.c.x4 L5.c.x5 L5.c.x6 if year<=2022 || country: c.year || id: L5.c.x1 , cov(uns)  vce(robust) eform  nolog
      initial values not feasible
      Thanks a lot for your help with these issues!!!

      . menbreg y1 L5.c.x1 L5.c.x2 L5.c.x3 L5.c.x4 L5.c.x5 L5.c.x6 i.year if year==2012 || id: L5.c.x1 , cov(unstructure) vce(robust) eform intpoints(10) nolog
      Mixed-effects nbinomial regression              Number of obs     =        250
      Overdispersion:            mean
      Group variable:              id                 Number of groups  =        250
                                                      Obs per group:
                                                                    min =          1
                                                                    avg =        1.0
                                                                    max =          1
      Integration method: mvaghermite                 Integration pts.  =         10
                                                      Wald chi2(6)      =      72.82
      Log pseudolikelihood = -1135.1253               Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
                                             (Std. Err. adjusted for 250 clusters in id)
                       |               Robust
                    y1 |     exp(b)   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                    x1 |
                   L5. |   .8721776   .1350264    -0.88   0.377     .6439111    1.181365
                    x2 |
                   L5. |   1.246997    .195958     1.40   0.160     .9164401    1.696784
                    x3 |
                   L5. |   .5777686   .1451217    -2.18   0.029     .3531444    .9452693
                    x4 |
                   L5. |   .7227296   .0709664    -3.31   0.001     .5962035    .8761071
                    x5 |
                   L5. |   .5799184   .0578084    -5.47   0.000     .4769974    .7050465
                    x6 |
                   L5. |   1.362799   .1664035     2.54   0.011     1.072745    1.731279
                 _cons |   3.987052   1.490606     3.70   0.000     1.916109    8.296284
              /lnalpha |  -.2055929    .135708                     -.4715757    .0603899
      id               |
             var(L5.x1)|   .3742028   1.11e-07                      .3742026     .374203
             var(_cons)|   .1690614   1.10e-08                      .1690614    .1690614
      id               |
       cov(L5.x1,_cons)|  -.2515218   3.70e-08 -6.8e+06   0.000    -.2515219   -.2515218
      Note: Estimates are transformed only in the first equation.
      . menbreg y1 L5.c.x1##c.year L5.c.x2 L5.c.x3 L5.c.x4 L5.c.x5 L5.c.x6 if year<=2022 || id: L5.c.x1##c.year , cov(uns)  vce(robust) eform intpoints(15) nolog
      initial values not feasible


      • #4
        ...I understand that my first point in #1 even though if it gives some estimations (see below for year==2012) those are not reliable.
        Sorry, I don't think I was clear. The analysis you show in #1 does contains a random slope for x1 at the region level, but there is no region#time interaction, nor any interactions between time and any of the x variables. So it is not problematic. You can use the results of that analysis. What would be problematic is to have a random slope for a variable at the region level and also have a time-varying slope for the same variable.

        menbreg y1 L5.c.x1##c.year L5.c.x2 L5.c.x3 L5.c.x4 L5.c.x5 L5.c.x6 if year<=2022 || country: c.year || id: L5.c.x1 , cov(uns) vce(robust) eform nolog
        isn't quite what I had in mind. What I was thinking of (and I'm using more compact notation than you did, so distinguish that from the substantive change, which is in bold face):
        menbreg y1 c.L5.x1##c. year L5.c.(x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) if year <= 2022 || country: c.L5.x1 || id: , cov(uns) vce(robust) eform nolog
        In this model you avoid the problem I raised in #2 because the variations in x1 effect are at the country and year level, and country and year do not jointly identify unique observations.

        Now, I don't know of any simple solutions to the initial values not feasible problem. The only thing I know of that can help with that is to simplify the model. The first thing I would do to simplify this model is remove -cov(uns)-. While it's nice not to impose restrictions on the covariance structure that you cannot provide a justification for, it also adds a large number of degrees of freedom to the calculation and can make it harder to find feasible initial values. If that alone does not resolve the problem, you may have to start stripping out some variables from your model.


        • #5
          Dear Clyde Schechter , I understand that this new suggested approach change the focus from regions to country (which is not bad for the study). However, some things are not clear to me. It is very likely I am wrong, but, if using "c.L5.x1##c. year" in the fixed part of the model, would not that imply that "|| country: c.L5.x1" is the effect of x1 for the base category (which given that year here is linear, it would be when year==0)?

          I see that from the fixed part, the main effect from x1 varies with years. But from the random part, it only vary for country, not for country in different periods. So, country variation for x1 is fixed, while time variation for x1 would be the same for all countries, right? I mean, we are allowing that country 1 is in general term different from country 2 (in term of x1), but cannot say this difference is changing with time. Since time difference for x1 is the same for all countries.

          This conversation is really helpful since I am realizing that maybe what I thought is not possible. This idea comes from a paper about firm's R&D from Ann Marie knott, in which she uses a 10 years period with a random coefficient for R&D in a time rolling window (one regression from 1990-2000, another regression from 1991-2001,...), and assign the fixed + random effect prediction to the last year of each regression. That way she manages to have a country variation in each year (for the last 20 years). However, she have 30 years, but in my case with this very short panel, that rolling window analysis might not be possible, since it will only leaves 3 or 4 years for the second step analysis in which I plan to use the desired prediction as indep variable. This is why I thought about using the regressions for each year as I show in #3.

          On top of that, it seems that my data is not helping since I got another error when trying your solution. I knew about the difficulty of multilevel model though..

          . menbreg y1 c.L5.x1##c.year L5.c.(x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) if year <= 2022 || country: c.L5.x1 || id: , cov(uns) vce(robust) eform intpoints(15)
          Fitting fixed-effects model:
          Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -14794.268  
          Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -14147.616  
          Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -14126.987  
          Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -14126.833  
          Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -14126.833  
          Refining starting values:
          Grid node 0:   log likelihood = -13024.738
          Fitting full model:
          Iteration 0:   log pseudolikelihood = -13024.738  (not concave)
          Iteration 1:   log pseudolikelihood = -12990.091  (not concave)
          Iteration 2:   log pseudolikelihood = -12922.878  (not concave)
          Iteration 3:   log pseudolikelihood = -12895.784  (not concave)
          Iteration 4:   log pseudolikelihood = -11052.386  
          cannot compute an improvement -- discontinuous region encountered


          • #6
            ...if using "c.L5.x1##c. year" in the fixed part of the model, would not that imply that "|| country: c.L5.x1" is the effect of x1 for the base category (which given that year here is linear, it would be when year==0)?
            No. c.year is treated as a continuous variable, so there is no base category.

            But you are correct that the random slope estimates corresponding to -||country: c.L5.x1- are time invariant. Given that country and year do not uniquely identify observations, you could, indeed go to - || country: c.L5.x1##c.year-, to get time-varying country-varying random slopes. (But you cannot do the analogous thing at the region level, because region and year do jointly identify unique observations.)

            Whether you can get the estimation to converge is another matter altogether. You just have to try it and see what happens. Unlike simple one-level regressions, with a multi-level model there is no theorem that says that maximum likelihood estimates can be calculated by the usual algorithms. Usually they can, but the likeilhood functions of these models can be very irregular, and sometimes it just can't be done.


            • #7
              Dear Clyde Schechter, thanks a lot for your help!

