Please look at the screenshot. The Test of 0 = 0. I want to value to be something like 0.05 instead of the default of zero. I don't know how I should change the code. Thanks for your help.
My original code is
My original code is
import excel "~/meta_absolute_risk.xlsx", firstrow meta set es se, random replace _meta_studylabel = study meta forestplot, subgroup(subgroup) xscale(range(0 0.20)) xlabel(0 (0.10) 0.30) xline(0.05, lpattern(dot)) title(Effect size of postoperative bleeding of myomectomy) scheme(sj) olabel(Total) xtitle(Absolute Risk) nullrefline crop(-0.20 0.50) columnopts(_esci, format(%5.4f)) graph export "/Users/tomhsiung/AR.png", as(png) name("Graph") replace