I am having trouble with collect combine. I want to combine a table of means with a table of regression output using the collect command but it when I used collect combine it just returns my regression output. I suspect that it is because the column names differ in each table. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
. clear all
. webuse lbw, clear
(Hosmer & Lemeshow data)
. quiet recode age (min/20=1) (20/30=2) (31/max=3), gen(agegp)
. collect create tb1
(current collection is tb1)
. collect: regress low i.agegp i.race i.smoke
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 189
-------------+---------------------------------- F(5, 183) = 3.33
Model | 3.38642568 5 .677285137 Prob > F = 0.0066
Residual | 37.1955849 183 .203254562 R-squared = 0.0834
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.0584
Total | 40.5820106 188 .215861758 Root MSE = .45084
low | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
agegp |
2 | .0398476 .0716078 0.56 0.579 -.1014355 .1811307
3 | -.1046758 .1171406 -0.89 0.373 -.3357955 .126444
race |
Black | .21478 .1016131 2.11 0.036 .0142962 .4152638
Other | .2019479 .0778359 2.59 0.010 .0483767 .3555191
smoke |
Smoker | .2219944 .072078 3.08 0.002 .0797836 .3642052
_cons | .1141078 .0808096 1.41 0.160 -.0453305 .2735462
. collect style row stack , nobinder spacer
. collect style column, dups(center)
. collect layout (colname[agegp]) (result[ _r_b _r_se _r_lb _r_ub ])
Collection: tb1
Rows: colname[agegp]
Columns: result[ _r_b _r_se _r_lb _r_ub ]
Table 1: 4 x 4
| Coefficient Std. error 95% lower bound 95% upper bound
RECODE of age (Age of mother) |
1 | 0 0
2 | .0398476 .0716078 -.1014355 .1811307
3 | -.1046758 .1171406 -.3357955 .126444
. collect create tb2
(current collection is tb2)
. collect meanT=e(b): mean age, over(agegp)
Mean estimation Number of obs = 189
| Mean Std. err. [95% conf. interval]
c.age@agegp |
1 | 18.07246 .207817 17.66251 18.48242
2 | 24.78 .2765516 24.23446 25.32554
3 | 33.35 .7155234 31.93851 34.76149
. collect meanN=e(_N): mean age, over(agegp)
Mean estimation Number of obs = 189
| Mean Std. err. [95% conf. interval]
c.age@agegp |
1 | 18.07246 .207817 17.66251 18.48242
2 | 24.78 .2765516 24.23446 25.32554
3 | 33.35 .7155234 31.93851 34.76149
. collect layout (colname) (result [meanN meanT])
Collection: tb2
Rows: colname
Columns: result [meanN meanT]
Table 1: 3 x 2
| meanN meanT
Age of mother @ RECODE of age (Age of mother)=1 | 69 18.07246
Age of mother @ RECODE of age (Age of mother)=2 | 100 24.78
Age of mother @ RECODE of age (Age of mother)=3 | 20 33.35
. collect combine final = tb1 tb2, layout(left) style(left) label(left) warn
Note: collect is ignoring label "Sample DF" for level df_r of dimension result.
(current collection is final)
. collect export "table1.xlsx"
(collection final exported to file table1.xlsx)
*this is the table that collect combine generates:
| Coefficient Std. error 95% lower bound 95% upper bound
RECODE of age (Age of mother) |
1 | 0 0
2 | .0398476 .0716078 -.1014355 .1811307
3 | -.1046758 .1171406 -.3357955 .126444
. clear all
. webuse lbw, clear
(Hosmer & Lemeshow data)
. quiet recode age (min/20=1) (20/30=2) (31/max=3), gen(agegp)
. collect create tb1
(current collection is tb1)
. collect: regress low i.agegp i.race i.smoke
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 189
-------------+---------------------------------- F(5, 183) = 3.33
Model | 3.38642568 5 .677285137 Prob > F = 0.0066
Residual | 37.1955849 183 .203254562 R-squared = 0.0834
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.0584
Total | 40.5820106 188 .215861758 Root MSE = .45084
low | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
agegp |
2 | .0398476 .0716078 0.56 0.579 -.1014355 .1811307
3 | -.1046758 .1171406 -0.89 0.373 -.3357955 .126444
race |
Black | .21478 .1016131 2.11 0.036 .0142962 .4152638
Other | .2019479 .0778359 2.59 0.010 .0483767 .3555191
smoke |
Smoker | .2219944 .072078 3.08 0.002 .0797836 .3642052
_cons | .1141078 .0808096 1.41 0.160 -.0453305 .2735462
. collect style row stack , nobinder spacer
. collect style column, dups(center)
. collect layout (colname[agegp]) (result[ _r_b _r_se _r_lb _r_ub ])
Collection: tb1
Rows: colname[agegp]
Columns: result[ _r_b _r_se _r_lb _r_ub ]
Table 1: 4 x 4
| Coefficient Std. error 95% lower bound 95% upper bound
RECODE of age (Age of mother) |
1 | 0 0
2 | .0398476 .0716078 -.1014355 .1811307
3 | -.1046758 .1171406 -.3357955 .126444
. collect create tb2
(current collection is tb2)
. collect meanT=e(b): mean age, over(agegp)
Mean estimation Number of obs = 189
| Mean Std. err. [95% conf. interval]
c.age@agegp |
1 | 18.07246 .207817 17.66251 18.48242
2 | 24.78 .2765516 24.23446 25.32554
3 | 33.35 .7155234 31.93851 34.76149
. collect meanN=e(_N): mean age, over(agegp)
Mean estimation Number of obs = 189
| Mean Std. err. [95% conf. interval]
c.age@agegp |
1 | 18.07246 .207817 17.66251 18.48242
2 | 24.78 .2765516 24.23446 25.32554
3 | 33.35 .7155234 31.93851 34.76149
. collect layout (colname) (result [meanN meanT])
Collection: tb2
Rows: colname
Columns: result [meanN meanT]
Table 1: 3 x 2
| meanN meanT
Age of mother @ RECODE of age (Age of mother)=1 | 69 18.07246
Age of mother @ RECODE of age (Age of mother)=2 | 100 24.78
Age of mother @ RECODE of age (Age of mother)=3 | 20 33.35
. collect combine final = tb1 tb2, layout(left) style(left) label(left) warn
Note: collect is ignoring label "Sample DF" for level df_r of dimension result.
(current collection is final)
. collect export "table1.xlsx"
(collection final exported to file table1.xlsx)
*this is the table that collect combine generates:
| Coefficient Std. error 95% lower bound 95% upper bound
RECODE of age (Age of mother) |
1 | 0 0
2 | .0398476 .0716078 -.1014355 .1811307
3 | -.1046758 .1171406 -.3357955 .126444