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  • Help with collect combine

    I am having trouble with collect combine. I want to combine a table of means with a table of regression output using the collect command but it when I used collect combine it just returns my regression output. I suspect that it is because the column names differ in each table. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    . clear all

    . webuse lbw, clear
    (Hosmer & Lemeshow data)

    . quiet recode age (min/20=1) (20/30=2) (31/max=3), gen(agegp)

    . collect create tb1
    (current collection is tb1)

    . collect: regress low i.agegp i.race i.smoke

    Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 189
    -------------+---------------------------------- F(5, 183) = 3.33
    Model | 3.38642568 5 .677285137 Prob > F = 0.0066
    Residual | 37.1955849 183 .203254562 R-squared = 0.0834
    -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.0584
    Total | 40.5820106 188 .215861758 Root MSE = .45084

    low | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
    agegp |
    2 | .0398476 .0716078 0.56 0.579 -.1014355 .1811307
    3 | -.1046758 .1171406 -0.89 0.373 -.3357955 .126444
    race |
    Black | .21478 .1016131 2.11 0.036 .0142962 .4152638
    Other | .2019479 .0778359 2.59 0.010 .0483767 .3555191
    smoke |
    Smoker | .2219944 .072078 3.08 0.002 .0797836 .3642052
    _cons | .1141078 .0808096 1.41 0.160 -.0453305 .2735462

    . collect style row stack , nobinder spacer

    . collect style column, dups(center)

    . collect layout (colname[agegp]) (result[ _r_b _r_se _r_lb _r_ub ])

    Collection: tb1
    Rows: colname[agegp]
    Columns: result[ _r_b _r_se _r_lb _r_ub ]
    Table 1: 4 x 4

    | Coefficient Std. error 95% lower bound 95% upper bound
    RECODE of age (Age of mother) |
    1 | 0 0
    2 | .0398476 .0716078 -.1014355 .1811307
    3 | -.1046758 .1171406 -.3357955 .126444

    . collect create tb2
    (current collection is tb2)

    . collect meanT=e(b): mean age, over(agegp)

    Mean estimation Number of obs = 189

    | Mean Std. err. [95% conf. interval]
    c.age@agegp |
    1 | 18.07246 .207817 17.66251 18.48242
    2 | 24.78 .2765516 24.23446 25.32554
    3 | 33.35 .7155234 31.93851 34.76149

    . collect meanN=e(_N): mean age, over(agegp)

    Mean estimation Number of obs = 189

    | Mean Std. err. [95% conf. interval]
    c.age@agegp |
    1 | 18.07246 .207817 17.66251 18.48242
    2 | 24.78 .2765516 24.23446 25.32554
    3 | 33.35 .7155234 31.93851 34.76149

    . collect layout (colname) (result [meanN meanT])

    Collection: tb2
    Rows: colname
    Columns: result [meanN meanT]
    Table 1: 3 x 2

    | meanN meanT
    Age of mother @ RECODE of age (Age of mother)=1 | 69 18.07246
    Age of mother @ RECODE of age (Age of mother)=2 | 100 24.78
    Age of mother @ RECODE of age (Age of mother)=3 | 20 33.35

    . collect combine final = tb1 tb2, layout(left) style(left) label(left) warn
    Note: collect is ignoring label "Sample DF" for level df_r of dimension result.
    (current collection is final)

    . collect export "table1.xlsx"
    (collection final exported to file table1.xlsx)

    *this is the table that collect combine generates:
    | Coefficient Std. error 95% lower bound 95% upper bound
    RECODE of age (Age of mother) |
    1 | 0 0
    2 | .0398476 .0716078 -.1014355 .1811307
    3 | -.1046758 .1171406 -.3357955 .126444

  • #2
    Thank you for providing your example code using publicly available data.

    I'm going to assume you want the mean results to show up to the right of your regress results, and the table rows are to be composed from the levels of the recoded age groups in variable agegp.
    webuse lbw, clear
    quiet recode age (min/20=1) (20/30=2) (31/max=3), gen(agegp)
    * add labels to the new variable coding age groups
    label define agegp 1 "<= 20" 2 "21-30" 3 "> 30"
    label values agegp agegp
    label variable agegp "Age group"
    collect create tb1
    collect: regress low i.agegp i.race i.smoke
    collect style row stack , nobinder spacer
    collect style column, dups(center)
    * factor variables in the regression, like -i.agegp-, are also present
    * as dimensions in the collection, we can use them in the layout
    collect layout (agegp) (result[ _r_b _r_se _r_lb _r_ub ])
    collect create tb2
    * call -mean- once
    mean age, over(agegp)
    * collect your custom results afterward using -collect get- to prevent
    * collection of more results than you want; bind the expressions in parens
    * to prevent -collect- from also collecting other -e()- results
    collect get meanT=(e(b)) meanN=(e(_N))
    collect layout (agegp) (result)
    * these two collections are different enough that we will need to
    * redefine the layout, so no need to keep either of the previous layouts
    collect combine final = tb1 tb2, style(left) label(left) warn
    * our new layout for the combined results
    collect layout (agegp) (result[_r_b _r_se _r_ci meanT meanN])
    * refine some labels
    collect label levels result meanT "Mean" meanN "N", modify
    * show the label for dimension -agegp-, it gives context to its level labels
    collect style header agegp, title(label)
    collect preview
    Here is the resulting table.
              | Coefficient Std. error        95% CI           Mean   N
    Age group |
      <= 20   |           0          0                     18.07246  69
      21-30   |    .0398476   .0716078 -.1014355  .1811307    24.78 100
      > 30    |   -.1046758   .1171406 -.3357955   .126444    33.35  20

