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  • Alternative to statsby

    I am calculating the Spearman correlation between two variables and the respective over a large number of groups.

    statsby r=r(rho) obs=r(N) p=r(p), by(group) clear: spearman wfe_time' ffe_time'

    Since the data is large, I am having issues that statsby takes forever and then stata freezes, possibly due to memory.

    What are more efficient ways to accomplish this (possibly also making sure that if Stata freezes, I have at least some results)?

  • #2
    you might want to take a look at the user-written -runby- command; use -search- to find and install


    • #3
      I make no claims about speed, but here is another way to do it with rangestat from SSC.

      sysuse auto, clear 
      gen touse = !missing(mpg, weight)
      bysort touse foreign : egen rank1 = rank(mpg)
      bysort touse foreign : egen rank2 = rank(weight)
      rangestat (corr) rank? , interval(foreign 0 0) by(touse)
      tabdisp foreign if touse, c(corr*)
      Car       |
      origin    |            corr_nobs                corr_x
       Domestic |                   52            -.87226376
        Foreign |                   22            -.76221199
      To get a P-value is more work, but you could write your own program and feed it to rangerun (SSC).

