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  • The Command keep doesn't apply of the estimation process

    Hi all,
    I have run a model xtabond2 model with bootstrapping (using Stata 17). Since some my panels have small T I have limited my sample to to observation with a min of 8 obs. in the relevant variables (using egen for observation counting and a filter) I finally ask Stata to:
    Keep if filter_obs_8==1
    . However, when I run the model, I see that the
    Obs per group: min = 2
    . How can this be possible?
    Below is the code:
    egen obs_count_ERP = count(l_ERP_interp), by(Country1)
    egen obs_count_l_ERP = count(l_l_ERP_interp), by(Country1)
    egen obs_count_Corr_hp = count(Corr_hp_interp), by(Country1)
    egen obs_count_WGI = count(WGI_interp), by(Country1)
    egen obs_count_GPI = count(GPI_interp), by(Country1)
    egen obs_count_Inflation = count(l_Inflation_interp), by(Country1)
    egen obs_count_GDPcapita = count(l_GDPcapita_interp), by(Country1)
    egen obs_count_GDPgrw = count(GDPgrw_interp), by(Country1)
    gen filter_obs_8 = (obs_count_ERP >=8 & obs_count_l_ERP>=8 & obs_count_GDPgrw >=8 &  obs_count_Corr_hp >= 8 & obs_count_WGI >= 8 & obs_count_GPI >= 8 & obs_count_Inflation >= 8 & obs_count_GDPcapita >=8)
    *This is for keeping only observation with no gaps in the data 
    generate sample=1-missing(l_ERP_interp, l_l_ERP_interp ,l_Inflation_interp ,l_GDPcapita_interp, GPI_interp, Corr_hp_interp,  GDPgrw_interp, WGI_interp)
    keep if sample
    generate sample1= sample if filter_obs_8==1
    keep if sample1
    xtset Country1 year
    generate newid = Country1
    xtset newid year
    bootstrap _b, rep(50) seed(12345) cluster(Country1) idcluster(newid):xtabond2  l_ERP_interp l_l_ERP_interp l_GDPcapita_interp Corr_hp GPI_interp l_Inflation_interp GDPgrw_interp WGI_interp i.year, gmm( l_l_ERP_interp , lag(2 4) collapse) gmm(l_GDPcapita_interp GDPgrw_interp l_Inflation_interp WGI_interp , lag(1 2) collapse) iv( GPI_interp Corr_hp i.year, equation(level)) robust
    Click image for larger version

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  • #2
    The logic underlying your code is faulty.
    gen filter_obs_8 = (obs_count_ERP >=8 & obs_count_l_ERP>=8 & obs_count_GDPgrw >=8 & obs_count_Corr_hp >= 8 & obs_count_WGI >= 8 & obs_count_GPI >= 8 & obs_count_Inflation >= 8 & obs_count_GDPcapita >=8)
    identifies countries that have 8 observations with non missing values of ERP and 8 non-missing values of I_ERP and 8 non-missing values of GDPgrw, etc. But it doesn't follow that the accepted observations will have 8 observations with non-missing values for all of those variables. The 8 observations with non-missing values of ERP might have missing values of I_ERP, and the 8 observations with non-missing values of I_ERP might have missing values of ERP, and so on. It is entirely possible that there would be no observations that have complete non-missing data on all of these variables even though, for each variable separately, you can find 8 observations that have non-missing values.

    I would replace this with something like:
    egen byte mcount = rowmiss(ERP I_ERP GDPgrw CORRhp WGI GPI Inflation GDPcapita)
    by country, sort: egen complete_data_obs = total(mcount == 0)
    by country: keep if complete_data_obs >= 8


    • #3
      Another way to identify complete observations:

      quietly regress ERP I_ERP GDPgrw CORRhp WGI GPI Inflation GDPcapita
      gen sample= e(sample)
      bys country (sample): keep if _N>=8 & sample


      • #4
        Thank you very much Andrew Musau and Clyde Schechter !

