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  • Using @ and Inserting charts

    Could somebody please guide me to material that will help me learn how to use the @ process, and to insert graphs please? I have looked at FAQs, and tried many things for @ (in the sandbox) and failed.

    also thought I could get a graph to be inserted but I only get a marker and I don't know what I have missed here as well.

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    I don't know what the "@ process" is or could possibly be. If you are referencing something, can you provide a link to that reference? If not, try explaining in plain English what you want to achieve (leave out the jargon) and you might get a helpful reply.


    • #3
      Leonardo Guizzetti I think Laurence Lester is referring to pinging other members, as here. The process is simply this. Type the @ sign and then start typing the person's name -- exactly as spelled in their profile. At some point the forum software will, or shouldm prompt you with candidate names that match what you've typed so far. Sometimes I am not quite patient enough and need to start all over again. I can't find that this is documented anywhere, but it's standard in some other software.

      As for graphics attachments, that we do explain in, the key point being that only .png files will work properly. The forum software was not written by StataCorp and has no understanding of how to display the contents of .gph attachments, You need to use the icon "Upload Attachment" to start,

      To find whether someone is a member, start Search -- Advanced Search.


      • #4
        Thanks Nick Cox for the very helpful advice - and the link.

        If it is not too frivolous for this forum a comment, with preamble.

        About 20 years ago when I was visiting my aunt (in Manchester, who was still living in the same house I used to walk round to visit as a child (before immigrating) as we only lived a street away) I referred to my dad as a "silly old f*rt". He was, at the time, a lot younger than I am now and so is no doubt looking down from the clouds and laughing his head off.

        * Pinging - if after about 14 attempts on sandbox I had thought to scroll down I would have seen it.
        * Prior update to catplot (from SSC thanks thanks Nick Cox) - if I had read your post when updating instead of thinking I'd do it later in the day and then forgetting to do so I could have saved a lot of trouble.
        * Using catplot - if I had remembered I had updated it a week or so ago when trying to use it (on old code) I could have saved a lot of time.

        Incidentally, the reason I was using old code (as well as not realising it was old in terms of the catplot update as I'd forgotten it was updated) what I wanted was to do some catplots for the project I am currently working on that were essentially updates of figures I produced about 5 years ago in a previous project. So I just opened the old do file, change an if-statement about which years and tried to run them - failed due to all points above.

        Anyway, thanks for your time - very much appreciated.
        Last edited by Laurence Lester; 19 Oct 2024, 22:32.


        • #5
          Thanks for the stories.

          Usually I put a high value on not breaking old code. I often branch off with a new command under a new name if I have a different take on a problem. This attitude is a just an echo of longstanding Stata tradition.

          In this case, no. I privately used a new name categplot for a short while, but couldn't bring myself to like it. I didn't think of supporting both syntaxes, but that would mess up the help file mightily.

