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  • Interpretation ODDs RATIO

    Good morning everyone,
    i have a dubt that i'll try to explain.

    HTML Code:
    logistic y b

    y=1 (illness)
    y=0 (healthy)

    b=1 (clinical score)
    b=0 (not clinical score)

    I got an odds ratio of 16.00 (1.82-142.92) p-value=0.0023
    Is it correct to say that the probability (the risk) of obtaining a clinical score is 16 times more frequent in sick/illness people than in healthy people? Thanks to everybody in advance

  • #2

    If my interpretation is not correct, what is the correct one? thanks a million in advance


    • #3
      It is not correct. The odds ratio is a ratio of odds and not a ratio of risks or probabilities. The odds is the expected number of "successes" (1s) per "failure" (0s), while a risk or probability is the expected number of "successes" per attempt. Moreover, you switched your dependent and independent variable in your description: the outcome is illness and the "cause" is clinical score; in your text you suggest the opposite.

      So the odds of an illness is 16 times higher among people with a clinical score compared to people without a clinical score.
      Maarten L. Buis
      University of Konstanz
      Department of history and sociology
      box 40
      78457 Konstanz


      • #4
        i ll try to explain better

        HTML Code:
        logistic groupASD clinicalscore
        my dep var is groupASD, Where (groupASD=1 if people is autistic, groupASD=0 if the people is not autistic);

        in this way is correct my interpretation???

        thanks a lot Maarten Buis and thanks to everybody


        • #5
          my outcome is the "groupASD"


          • #6
            Thanks Maarten Buis, when you wrote "in your description", do you mean my interpretation?
            my depvar is groupASD.

            so with this code
            HTML Code:
            logistic  groupASD clinicalscore
            so the correct interpretation is the phrase in bold " the odds of an ASD is 16 times higher among people with a clinical score compared to people without a clinical score.???

            thanks in advance


            • #7
              Maarten L. Buis
              University of Konstanz
              Department of history and sociology
              box 40
              78457 Konstanz


              • #8
                thanks, only one thing if I said the odds of an ASD compared to Typical development people is 16 times higher among people with a clinical score compared to people without a clinical score is correct the same?
                thanks a lot Maarten Buis


                • #9
                  I am getting worried: You are relying on the opinion of a random person on the internet. That is not a good way to do research. Instead you should understand the argument, make up your own mind on whether you agree with it or not, and once you have done that you can apply that argument to minor variations of a sentence. You don't need my seal of approval; it is not worth much anyway.
                  Maarten L. Buis
                  University of Konstanz
                  Department of history and sociology
                  box 40
                  78457 Konstanz


                  • #10

                    no, i rely on the most experienced people. Anyway, thanks a million

